Welcome to the FreeStyler Wiki
This Wiki is the online version of the FreeStyler (FS) manual and will be updated to keep current with all the changes that are happening to FreeStyler all the time…
This Wiki is maintained by FreeStyler forum members
If you are registered on the FS forum then you're encouraged to edit the Wiki. If you want to make a page for a subject not listed here, please feel free!
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Freestyler DMX for Beginners
FreeStyler General
FreeStyler Addons
Installing and using the TouchOSC App
Magic 3D Easy View & Scanlibrary
FreeStyler Tips and Tricks
Current Contents
We encourage people to edit other people's pages if they think they can help.
We also strongly recommend that you use screen shots to explain what you're referring to!
welcome.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 12:57 by xever