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Panel Description - Bezier Shapes - Edit/make bez files for beizer shapes in notepad

I don't know if this having any interest but here we go.

I have looked at the .bez files for the shapes in FS, and have figured out how they work.

you can open and edit the files by opening them with notepad. The existing bez files is located in “…../Frestyler/Chasers” folder. remember to put yours files in that folder, otherwise FS cant find them

(The bez files only contain the numbers, everything after the “\\” for each line is my comments)

 64  // Pan     : Position 0                       [yellow]
 190 // Tilt
 64  // Pan     : Direction vector for position 0  [Blue]
 150 // Tilt
 64  // Pan     : Direction vector for position 1  [Blue]
 104 // Tilt
 64  // Pan     : Position 1                       [Red]
 64  // Tilt
 104 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 1  [Blue]
 64  // Tilt
 150 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 2  [Blue]
 64  // Tilt
 190 // Pan     : Position 2                       [Red]
 64  // Tilt
 190 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 2  [Blue]
 104 // Tilt
 190 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 3  [Blue]
 150 // Tilt
 190 // Pan     : Position 3                       [Red]
 190 // Tilt  
 150 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 3  [Blue]
 190 // Tilt
 104 // Pan     : Direction vector for position 0  [Blue]
 190 // Tilt

the Yellow rectangle in the shape window is the initial point for the shape The blue rectangles works like a direction vector for the preceding red rectangle, which is positions

the syntax in the bez file is

[space][number][space] // line 1
[space][number][space] // line 2
[space][number][space] // line 24

I have tried making a bez file without the spaces and it worked in FS, but just in case I would recommend you use the mentioned syntax

I have used it to make straight vertical and horizontal movements for my scanners. Sometimes it is easier to edit the bez files instead of doing it in the shape window.

fixture_control/edit_bez_file.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/11 03:45 by

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