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Joystick control not working?

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Joystick control not working?

Post by assimilat »

I went to the freestyler setup and checked the "enable joystic control" button....then when i go to the "keyboard shortcuts" section to map everything my joystick does nothing...i can map keyboard keys just fine....anybody have a clue whats up?

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Re: Joystick control not working?

Post by djSupport »

isnt the keyboard shortcuts for keyboards and not for a joystick? I think off the top of my head the onlything your joystick will do is control pan/tilt and nothing else...
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Re: Joystick control not working?

Post by assimilat »

Yeah I was just wondering because in the freestyler setup when i go to joystick control it says:

"To configure the joystick buttons go to the keyboard shortcuts, select a function and press a button on your joystick. DO NOT FORGET : if you want to control pan/tilt with your joystick you need to you need to configure "Togle Pan/Tilt"

Re: Joystick control not working?

Post by planewash »

I have successfully assigned buttons on my Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 to functions in FS. This was done like I would assign an ordinary keyboard shortcut. I've also tried with other usb joysticks, but then I got no reaction on neither buttons nor pan/tilt.
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Re: Joystick control not working?

Post by assimilat »

yeah i hunted down another driver for the one im using (XBOX controller) and it worked kinda upsets me because the controller interface im using has X Box, Gamecube and Playstation ports and I wanted to use the Gamecube controller but i cant find another driver like i could for the X Box controller...oh well thanks anyways!
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