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Generic 15w Mini LED Moving Head Fixture

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A place for you to request fixture files to be created by other users - PLEASE BE WARNED THIS MAY NEVER HAPPEN AS WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY YOURSELF AND WILL GIVE PROMPTS as and when we can. at the END OF THE DAY Creating fixtures isn't easy if we don't have that particular light and an appropriate manual! BE WARNED!


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Generic 15w Mini LED Moving Head Fixture

Post by jctodd »

I am completely lost on how to create this fixture for freestyler. Plus, every time I try to save my attempts, it gives me an error and I can't save. So I'm asking you guys.

It's a generic 15w Mini LED Moving Spot.
13 DMX Channels.

1-Pan (540 degrees)
2-Pan 16bit
3-Tilt (270 degrees)
4-Tilt 16bit
5- Speed
6- Shutter (0-7 CLOSE, 8-134 electrical dimmer, 135-239 Stobe effect, 240-255 OPEN)
10-LED MACRO (0-7 no function, 8-21 white, 22-35 red, 36-49 green, 50-63 blue, 64-77 cyan, 78-91 magenta, 92-105 yellow, 106-119 purple, 120-133 orange, 134-147 chartreuse, 148-161 pink, 162-175 brown, 176-189 gold, 190-203 crimson, 204-217 violet, 218-231 crape, 232-255 movable macro)
11-LED Speed
12-Auto program (0-7 no function, 8-22 auto 1, 23-37 a2, 38-52 a3, 53-67 a4, 68-82 a5, 83-97 a6, 98-112 a7, 113-135 a8, 136-142 sound control 1, 143-157 sc2, 158-172 sc3, 173-187 sc4, 188-202 sc5, 203-217 sc6, 218-232 sc7, 233-255 sc8)
13- GOBO (0-12 open spot, 13-25 flower, 26-38 spiral, 39-51 flag, 52-64 hearts, 65-77 flowers, 78-90 stars, 91-103 spiral2, 104-116 flags, 117-127 flowers2, 128-191 positive rainbow effect, 192-255 negative rainbow effect)

I can scan the manual if that'd help, but all the info is above. Please, I've spent a lot of money to get this up and running, and I'd really like to get this working soon. Thanks guys!

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Re: Generic 15w Mini LED Moving Head Fixture

Post by Jan_K »

Hej jctodd

First I will not call this one generic as it only fits one fixture. (Generic to me is something that fits multipel fixtures)

I guess that you have seen some of the tutorials on the wiki.

If you get errors saving the fixtur you create then make it in small steps.

Just create a fixture with name image and the total number = 13.
Then save it.
Then add pan and tilt.
Then save it.

Continoue this step by step so you can see what goes wrokg.

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Re: Generic 15w Mini LED Moving Head Fixture

Post by Kings »

These sound familiar. Google the specs and you'll more than likely come up with a few different brand/model names like Sputnik. Once you have a couple search for it on the forum and also in the FS fixture folder on your computer.
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Re: Generic 15w Mini LED Moving Head Fixture

Post by Kings »

Ahh...try the Chauvet 'Min Spot' profile in FS!
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