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Fixture profile for a elektralite eye

Fixture File Help & Support, This is not a Request forum we are here to help you not work for you... If you do need a fixture and don't wish to make one yourself or learn then go here : ... on_service
Forum rules
This forum is designed for you to get HELP with building fixtures, Please make an attempt if you get stuck YOU must upload your partial fixture file (as an exported fixture file) so we can point you in the right direction if you don't do this you won't LEARN and if you don't learn you will may never be able to get the fixtures you require. It is Very hard to make fixtures for people when we don't have the same light at hand to test it with after all having the light in front of you makes programing so much easier! That's why we will help but rarely build any fixtures for you. You Alone are the best person to build your fixtures if you need help ask if you want it building for you Don't....
or alternativaly if your willing to pay for fixtures to be created then go here : ... on_service

You can Upload your fixtures as attachments to your posts so there is no need to supply email details Please post any fixtures in the download forum if you require help please contact an Admin/Moderator.
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gaz the sparky
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Fixture profile for a elektralite eye

Post by gaz the sparky »

Hey everyone

I have tried and tried to create a profile for an elektralite elektrick eye and I carn't seem to control it properly. Is there anyone who could help me by creating a fixture profile for me. Im am willing to pay for the profile.

The information for the light can be found here

Any help much appriciated



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Re: Fixture profile for a elektralite eye

Post by remco_k »

gaz the sparky wrote:I have tried and tried to create a profile for an elektralite elektrick eye and I carn't seem to control it properly. Is there anyone who could help me by creating a fixture profile for me.
Can't help you if you don't tell what is not working or what is going wrong.
Creating your own fixture in the FixtureCreator is easy. Your fixture has the most obvious and default functionality so creating one yourself should not be any problem at all.
Developer of the Sound 2 Light application (SL.exe) for FreeStyler:
Electronics runs on magic smoke. If it escapes, the electronics won't work anymore!
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gaz the sparky
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Re: Fixture profile for a elektralite eye

Post by gaz the sparky »

Channel 3 - rotating gobo rotation
0-7 No rotation
8-127 forwards gobo rotation from fast to slow
128-135 No rotation
136-255 Backwards gobo rotation from slow to fast

Channel 4 - Shutter, strobe
0-31 Shutter closed
32-63 Dimmer (close to open)
64-95 Strobe effect slow to fast
96-127 No function (shutter open)
128-159 Pulse-effect in sequences
160-191 No function (shutter open)
192-223 Random strobe effect slow to fast
224-255 No function (shutter open)

Channel 7 - Speed pan/tilt movement
0-4 max speed
5-225 max to min speed
226-235 blackout by movement
236-245 blackout by all wheel changing
246-255 no function

Channel 8 – Lamp on/off, reset, internal programs
0-19 color change normal
20-39 color change to any position
40-59 Lamp on
60-79 Lamp switch off
100-119 Internal program 1
120-139 Internal program 2
140-159 Internal program 3
160-179 Internal program 4
180-199 Internal program 5
200-219 Internal program 6
220-239 Internal program 7
240-255 Internal program 8

I have got the colours,gobos and pan and tilt sorted i dont know where to input the values for the internal programs , channle 3 for the gobo rotation that will do for now

thanks for any advice

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Re: Fixture profile for a elektralite eye

Post by remco_k »

Check out the macros tab, I think thats a place to put that.
Developer of the Sound 2 Light application (SL.exe) for FreeStyler:
Electronics runs on magic smoke. If it escapes, the electronics won't work anymore!
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