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Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Fixture File Help & Support, This is not a Request forum we are here to help you not work for you... If you do need a fixture and don't wish to make one yourself or learn then go here : ... on_service
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This forum is designed for you to get HELP with building fixtures, Please make an attempt if you get stuck YOU must upload your partial fixture file (as an exported fixture file) so we can point you in the right direction if you don't do this you won't LEARN and if you don't learn you will may never be able to get the fixtures you require. It is Very hard to make fixtures for people when we don't have the same light at hand to test it with after all having the light in front of you makes programing so much easier! That's why we will help but rarely build any fixtures for you. You Alone are the best person to build your fixtures if you need help ask if you want it building for you Don't....
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Cap Capello
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Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by Cap Capello »

I am learning FreeStyler and trying to make a first time profile however it is a nightmare of global proportions.

Here's the scoop:

I'm migrating from a Chauvet DMX44 controller to Velleman VM116 USB-DMX controller using FreeStyler 3.0 software. Because of some unusual nuances of the LE-14 (really stupid nuances) I'm having trouble making the software fire the units properly.

Here's what I've encountered so far:
Channel 1 (Strobe) must be set to 255 to be ON and FULL BRIGHTNESS. 0 is OFF. This is completely opposite the norm. ;
Channel 2 (Dimmer) must be set on 0 for FULL BRIGHTNESS, 255 is DIM/OFF. This is normal.;
Channel 3 (Chase) seems to work fine and is the norm;
Channel 4 is RED. Everybody else is BLUE.
Channel 5 is GREEN which seems to be the norm.
Channel 6 is BLUE. Everybody else is RED.
Channel 7 (Speed) seems to work normally (I guess).

So in FreeStyler, I can change the channels for slider action on Channels 4, 5, and 6 BUT when I go into color macros there's no way to change R G B so that when I want, say orange, instead I get a blue because the RED and BLUE are standard in the macro (not swapped like the LE-14s are) and I can't find anyway to flip or edit them.

The DMX instructions that came with these lights will be gladly emailed to anyone who would like to take a crack at this with me or in spite of me. I know time is not free and can afford a reasonable fee for a 100% working profile.

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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by UTerror »


can you send the info to uterror{at}

I'll take a look and maybe I can help you.
Cap Capello
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by Cap Capello »

On it's way. It's in a .doc file.

Thank you for looking.

I've spent five hours on the phone with a FreeStyler expert and we could not get these fixtures to function properly when adding more than one DMX address. 1 & 64 & 128 worked for a brief time, then it too wouldn't work.

Windows XP SP2, SONY VAIO VGN-A600, NetFX 3.0 SP1
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by djSupport »

In the RGB Channel bit on fixture creator you can put what ever channels you like for the R G and B channels wouldnt that therefore caus you NO problems..?
Heather Trott, You Babe! I Drive a Dacia Duster and Explore! Check it out
Cap Capello
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by Cap Capello »

One can assign R or G or B to the sliders but it does not change them in the COLORS drop down menu. Also, I'm getting "Out Of Range" script errors. Also, Overrides remains active and I keep getting the blue triangle with the ! in the middle.

I don't think this software is going to work for me and I am sad.
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by djSupport »

[bugreporting][/bugreporting] .....
Heather Trott, You Babe! I Drive a Dacia Duster and Explore! Check it out
Cap Capello
Knows how to turn Lights ON
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by Cap Capello »

I am not smart enough to know what is a bug and what is my user error.
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Re: Visual Effects LE-14 Profile Nightmare

Post by djSupport »

erm I'm a bit thick so i didnt put much thought into it but it sounds like the colours drop down menu should get the settings from the RGB whatever they be and in this case there not?

Sorry I'm half asleep!
Heather Trott, You Babe! I Drive a Dacia Duster and Explore! Check it out
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