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How can I simply add a cue to the touch panel?

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How can I simply add a cue to the touch panel?

Post by GiovanniG »

Hi, I'm building some cues, they should be called easly by a touch, I would use touchpanel for that. I' can't find a way how to create a button that loads exactly that cue. I've tried to drag on it the cue but I just obtain "open cue panel".
My usage is extremely easy, I don't need mix cues, or do anything special, I just need, "press button 1 to load cue1!, pressing button 2 will kill overwrite cue1 with cue2.
Can I do this? How? Thank you

FS is my life
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Joined: July 11th, 2007, 8:39 pm
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I Use FreeStyler for: Nightclub Lighting

Re: How can I simply add a cue to the touch panel?

Post by Partyman »

There are actually many ways to do what you are wanting and each has its benefits/flaws. Not knowing anything about your setup or lighting plot it is hard to tell you which method is best for you. All the methods require you to make cues for each desired outcome, the cues can be run in various ways and all can be done from a touch panel. It is important to always open the "create sequence" window before making ANY adjustments to the lights. If you are not familiar with the sequence creation process the I suggest you either watch some tutorial videos or read the wiki.
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