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HELP!!! Random blackouts when running sequences in cue list

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HELP!!! Random blackouts when running sequences in cue list

Post by Starlighter »

Hi all, I HAVE NOT reported this as a bug because I think it's far more likely to be user error/ignorance! Apologies if it should be a bug report. I'm not a complete newb to Freestyler I've been using it - with great results - for a few years, BUT, I'm not the greatest when it comes to computers and software. I don't like to post with a problem, (in fact this is the first time), I usually solve issues myself but this one has me completely stumped and I'm tearing my hear out now.


I am running Freestyler 4.1.1 on a Lenovo ideapad330s loads of RAM and SSD drive.
USB interface is ENTTEC USB Pro 2
I use my rig for a band, the signal from my laptop goes to the interface and then to a USB splitter.
Output 1 from the splitter sends to 3 fixtures at the front of the stage
Output 2 from the splitter sends to 6 fixtures on the gantry at the back of the stage, (the idea being that if there is an issue somewhere the band is not plunged completely into darkness - I WAS WRONG ABOUT THAT!)

I have checked and tested all cables, fixtures, dmx addresses and all are correct/working properly.
I am using the latest drivers and I have run updates on my drivers and software.
I use a DMX terminator at the end of each line but I have tested that too and the issue I am having occurs whether I terminate or not. It is a club band,- I am not using huge cable runs.


I have programmed several sequences for the band. some are song specific, some are generic to be used with any song. Some sequences are as few as 12 scenes/steps, (a couple of them only have 1 step which is looped), some as much as 32, the problem occurs regardless of the sequence I am running.

When I run my sequences in the Sequence Creator, everything works perfectly, this issue only occurs when I run my sequences from the cue list. Here's what happens:

I hit play to run a sequence, the sequence starts to run at step 1 and then after a few seconds, all my fixtures black-out and the moving heads immediately move to what I'm guessing is their default position. I have timed this and more often than not it seems to happen at around 9 seconds from the start of the sequence but it can also be random. The fixtures will remain blacked out and out of position until step 2 comes round, at step 2 everything comes back on, repositions itself and the rest of the sequence runs as properly.

This happens to ALL fixtures, in other words, both outputs of the DMX splitter which means 2 things, - firstly the band is plunged in to darkness, (the issue I was trying to avoid by using a splitter), and secondly the problem must be occurring BEFORE the splitter, - most probably before the ENTTEC interface, therefore its either my laptop or it's a programming (on my part!) or software issue.

Also, to my mind, at least, i'ts not simply a break in the DMX signal because this behaviour is not what happens if I simply unplug the USB cable from the laptop whilst a sequence is running. There seems to be something somewhere sending a signal to all fixtures to black out and reposition but, I have spent literally days trying to identify the cause and I am now beating my head against a wall. The band has 2 gigs this weekend and I've had to arrange for someone else to light their show because I can't have them randomly in the dark, some times for up to 30 seconds until step 2 kicks in. Any help or ideas anyone has with this would be massively appreciated. Many thanks.

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Re: HELP!!! Random blackouts when running sequences in cue list

Post by Partyman »

Are these sequence created in version 4.... or updated scenes from 3...?
The main issues i have had with version 4... has been with importing scenes from previous versions. I have found that sequences created in 4... work better in ver 4...
Try creating a brand new sequence in 4.1.1 and see if the results are the same
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Re: HELP!!! Random blackouts when running sequences in cue list

Post by Starlighter »

Partyman, many thanks for your reply, all sequences were created in version 4.

I had another go at sorting it yesterday and discovered the following;

1) The problem is definitely random. I tried running my 'stand by' sequence which is just 2 fixtures with blue lights whilst the band are not on stage. It is a 1 scene sequence which is a looping 1 second scene. I hit play on the cue list, the sequence plays then blacks out, then comes back on again. Once back on, as with all the other sequences, it stays on and runs the rest of the sequence without any problems.

2) Whilst I was running the sequences, I opened the Output window, ('Output' on the tool bar then 'Show Output' on the drop down menu). This window clearly shows that when the sequence blacks out and all moving features move to their default position, the software is sending a signal to all fixtures setting all values to zero. What I don't have any idea about is why and how to stop it/fix it!

3) I appear to have fund a work around, - I ticked the box, 'Cue Multiselect always enabled' and hey presto, the problem seemed to go away, however, I then unticked the box and the system continued to run without blacking out so I really don't know if 'cue multiselect' had any effect or if the system simply decided to behave itself - which it does. As I say, the issue appears to be random, more often than not it's there but sometimes it's not.

Don't know if all of that helps anyone at all, I hope it does! Please let me know if anyone has any brain waves or if there's anymore info I can give you. Many thanks folks!
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Re: HELP!!! Random blackouts when running sequences in cue list

Post by djSupport »

open it in the editor and step it along 1 by 1 and see what happens, you could have an errant sequence in there or perhaps you have accidently programmed a reset value in there, so after so long the lights are being 'reset'?
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