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30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

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30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by colombo »

Good day. Let's have 30x light, which has a strobe channel.
I want to control the strobe channel with a fader via midi. Can be other than via
1) SETUP / MIDI CONTROL / MIDI TO DMX (max. 24 lights x 1DMX channel can be controlled)
2) SETUP / PREFERENCES / PATCH (consequently it is not possible to individually control the DMX strobe channel of individual lights)
3) ???

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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by Partyman »

I know that you are wanting to control a midi channel but your explanation is very difficult to translate. What midi controller are you attempting to setup? Do you want a slider for the strobe channel of 30 different lights? 30 sliders that only control strobe channel? Or do you want 1 slider that controls all 30 strobe channels?
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by colombo »

One slider for 30 flash channels
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by Partyman »

Do all lights need to be addressed independently or can they all have same address?
Right click on Freestyler desktop and select groups, create a group with all fixtures, create midi shortcut to strobe channel for that group.
I believe you can do it via command line but not sure of the syntax
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by colombo »

The lights must be addressed independently.
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by colombo »

Unfortunately, I do not define a midi strobe channel for the group.
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by Partyman »

The Shutter is the same as the Strobe channel. You could make a 1 step sequence and use an override Button. You could also make a two step sequence (on/off) set it to snap and lower all times and speeds to their lowest, you can make the speed whatever you want in the cue window. Why a Slider? a button would do what you want then use the slider to adjust speed or intensity. There are many ways.
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by lightBanana »

I have the same problem. One potential workaround could be recreating the fixtures with wrong channel descriptions - swap the intensity and strobe channel. With those fixtures you could use the intensity slider of a submaster to control flash rates. Of course this breakes all other specificially intensity related features like blackout. I would highly appreciate if the submasters would allow to use the slider for other channels which would solve this issue ... the code is there already after all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Partyman What do you mean by "Midi Shortcut"? I couldn´t find it in the FS Wiki.
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Re: 30x light, one common MIDI DMX channel fader

Post by Partyman »

using a midi device to trigger, There is a list of option available in the midi section of setup
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