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Lightmaxx Double Derby DM

Fixture File Help & Support, This is not a Request forum we are here to help you not work for you... If you do need a fixture and don't wish to make one yourself or learn then go here : ... on_service
Forum rules
This forum is designed for you to get HELP with building fixtures, Please make an attempt if you get stuck YOU must upload your partial fixture file (as an exported fixture file) so we can point you in the right direction if you don't do this you won't LEARN and if you don't learn you will may never be able to get the fixtures you require. It is Very hard to make fixtures for people when we don't have the same light at hand to test it with after all having the light in front of you makes programing so much easier! That's why we will help but rarely build any fixtures for you. You Alone are the best person to build your fixtures if you need help ask if you want it building for you Don't....
or alternativaly if your willing to pay for fixtures to be created then go here : ... on_service

You can Upload your fixtures as attachments to your posts so there is no need to supply email details Please post any fixtures in the download forum if you require help please contact an Admin/Moderator.
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Knows how to turn Lights ON
Posts: 2
Joined: July 14th, 2008, 9:55 pm
FreeStyler Version: 2.0.9
I Use FreeStyler for: DJ

Lightmaxx Double Derby DM

Post by tafu »


is there any compatible machine to the Double Derby from Lightmaxx? There is no fixture included in Freestyler and it is not possible to get the channel-settings from Lightmaxx hardware in the web to create a new fixture :x


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