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DMX artnet nodes

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DMX artnet nodes

Post by mikeoxlarge »

Hi, my first post here and it's a double edged sword so to speak,

I run a sound and lighting company and recently have started creating my own artnet DMX/LED strip adapters, I've seen some posts here regarding multiple adapters (universes in use) in freestyler, this got me thinking, wouldn't it make sense if a program has only one universe that channel 512 is used to select the virtual universe, as the universes would be physically isolated from each other this would mean that addressing fixtures stays the same just rather than having 512 channels per universe you have 511 but 255 available universes within the standard framework,

A box that has dmx in with a selector for channel 512 (from 0-255) and sends out the data only if it has the right value on channel 512 would be possible, obviously timing may be an issue with too many universes but I have a prototype running now with 4 channels and it's fine, so a single artnet adapter (also up and running ;) ) can recieve a single universe and sub divide it out cheaper than buying more artnet boxes or even multiple dmx<>usb or artnet boxes :)



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