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creating fixture sheet for TAS VersìColore 250

A place for you to request fixture files to be created by other users - PLEASE BE WARNED THIS MAY NEVER HAPPEN AS WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY YOURSELF AND WILL GIVE PROMPTS as and when we can. at the END OF THE DAY Creating fixtures isn't easy if we don't have that particular light and an appropriate manual! BE WARNED!

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A place for you to request fixture files to be created by other users - PLEASE BE WARNED THIS MAY NEVER HAPPEN AS WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY YOURSELF AND WILL GIVE PROMPTS as and when we can. at the END OF THE DAY Creating fixtures isn't easy if we don't have that particular light and an appropriate manual! BE WARNED!


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Joined: October 25th, 2012, 1:51 pm
FreeStyler Version: 3.5
I Use FreeStyler for: Just for the Fun of it.

creating fixture sheet for TAS VersìColore 250

Post by goingdownsouth »

Hello, I do have a couple of VersiColore 250 colorchangers, none technical info found on the google thing.
So i figured out how to work with this stuff. First I used a DJ-X16 controller, and do operate 4 spots on it.
As I adressed 2 by 2, having 5 dmx channels per spot, and some patching with these dmx channels, it works fine on only 10 control channels.
Then the challenge: how to operate this stuff from a laptop.
Yep, you guessed it already: an usb/DMX interface and Freestyle.
Well I downloaded 4.5 FS and studied this forum, many thanks to you for the valuable info, and based on that, my questions.
I figured out for the shutter, the frost, the colorwheel and the gobo wheel on which fader position it does what
e.g for the color wheel
1- 100%
0 - White
20 - deep rose
30 - old blue
4o - red
45 - yellow
50 - blue
60 - green
70 - oranje
75 - rose
80 - slow rotating
90- middle rot.speed
100 - fast rotating

Based upon this figures :can i change them to 1 - 255 values [10% fader equals DMX value +/- 25]
I want to start my try and error procedure, using these values in the slider section of FS
The other fonctions follow the same procedure

By connecting one spot to the FS/computer, I must be able to optimize these value settings for the fixture of the Versìcolores Spots, and creating a PDF for this fixture.

I hope you are with me, so i can continue my queeste in DMX land, which is quite fun
greetz GDS 8-)

Knows how to turn Lights ON
Posts: 4
Joined: October 25th, 2012, 1:51 pm
FreeStyler Version: 3.5
I Use FreeStyler for: Just for the Fun of it.

Re: creating fixture sheet for TAS VersìColore 250

Post by goingdownsouth »

hello again, as usual i was a little too quick with my question, found a lot more useful info in the freestyler wiki, about this subject. I'll do my testing next week, so for this moment is this post solved, thanks . GDS
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