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detecting malfunctioning Fixtures

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detecting malfunctioning Fixtures

Post by Dangox »

i have some Problems with some of my fixtures. those are Involight OB350 ( ... 66022.html ). Some of them seem to malfunctioning after a certain period of time. The Effect is, that the fixtures in the DMX chain start to behave strangely, as if the signal is distorted. Wild blinking or total blackouts of some fixtures are the results.

Intersestig is, that this happens only after a couple hours of usage, at the begining everything works fine.
I checked the dmx cabels and they are okay. Furtherr i opened the housings of the OB350, some of them had loosened conectors between LED-units and Mainboards, now they all sitting firm in their slots. The Problem prevails.

Do someone have a clue, what could cause the malfunctioning of the units after a period of time?

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Re: detecting malfunctioning Fixtures

Post by SiGNe »

Do you use a DMX terminator?

And what DMX driver are you using (F.I. Entec DMX Pro)
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