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Some feature idea

Posted: January 15th, 2014, 5:35 am
by trapgunner
Today I use Ableton with Freestyler works great, but I have some issues and I want to sync a lot of different types of light in different time together, much of the sync I need to use the Manual Trigger, but the Manual Trigger change the step for all lights together, so this make all very difficult.
One idea is make a manual trigger for each cue, so I can control it separated.
And today I saw this video and is very interesting how you can control the sliders inside the Ableton:

Re: Some feature idea

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 12:04 am
by buttza
I would setup the cues. Then associate the each cue with a midi note. That way when you trigger your audio clip in Ableton, it should trigger the cue midi note in Freestyler. We do this with click trax.