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Posted: April 27th, 2013, 8:09 pm
by ferag1
Help I have a problem when I change from one cue
to another cue the previous cue appears to keep running.
I play in a band and use freestylerdmx to control the bands lights so have
5 or 6 cues for each set so I need them to change from one to the other
I am running the latest version of freestylerdmx

Re: Cue's

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by Mattotone
what do you mean by "change from one cue "? do you start another cue, and stop another? or simply start another cue?

are you switching fast cues, and the previous cues still run?

Any who...i recommend GoMonkey it was designed around your type of usage

Re: Cue's

Posted: April 28th, 2013, 12:28 am
by Kings
It sounds like you are switching from one sequence to another and the latest sequence is overriding the previous (it may appear to be running but the DMX signal has 'stalled' on the last value sent). This is something called HTP...Highest Takes Precedence whereby FS will always perform your latest command. A classic example is when you swap from say a scanner to a RGB par can. The mirrors on the scanners stop moving and the colours, gobos and everything else no longer change.

Re: Cue's

Posted: April 28th, 2013, 12:32 am
by Kings
As Matt says, GoMonkey may suit your needs as you can create a list/stack of cues that you can trigger sequentially during a performance. Essentially you can pre-program a whole show (or song) and just use one button to change the lights at certain times during the performance.

Re: Cue's

Posted: April 28th, 2013, 10:32 am
by ferag1
thanks for your replys
I have down loaded go monkey is there a help file ?
I use midi foot switch to control all the lighting ie cue's black out ect can you still do this with go monkey .

Re: Cue's

Posted: April 28th, 2013, 10:56 am
by Mattotone
No Helpfile im afraid, although there's a quick video showing how to create shows.
As far as midi goes, MIDI has been built into GoMonkey and you should be able to use freestyler MIDI and GoMonkey Midi simultaniously