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Need some help setting up an AKAI APC Mini MK2

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Need some help setting up an AKAI APC Mini MK2

Post by SiGNe »


First of all, my setup:
4 ADJ Hex pars (RGBWAUV) and an Akai APC Mini MK2
I have years of experience with Freestyler but since my (home) setup never needed to have advanced cues and submasters i never used that.
Controlled my lights mostly manually and used S2L and DMX400 when i had a party.

Now i bought an AKAI APC Mini MK2 so now i want more.
I have started using external midi control, managed to make some things working like some overrides and i can set the button color any way i want (rgb color, blinking, flashing)

But what i really would like is to control each of my lights independently, 6 colors per lamp.
4 Lamps times 6 colors make 24 buttons but in the sequence and cue settings i can only use max 20 settings.
How can i get more?

Or do i make 4 submaster lists, one for each fixture and add the 6 colors in the submaster list?
But how do i map that to a button so i can control the color per fixture?

I tried using DMX to Midi in the settings, that has 32 settings but then the buttons work as a flash button, they only turn on when i hold the button.

When i have it working i'll make a tutorial on setting up the AKAI APC MIni MK2, it has RGB buttons so it has a little bit more settings than the Mini MK1 (that only has red, amber and green leds)

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Re: Need some help setting up an AKAI APC Mini MK2

Post by SiGNe »

I have the looks set up (for a part, colors of the buttons are set up) but override buttons aren't doing what i want, i can only select 1 at a time.

i want 4 rows of 6 colors , 1 row per fixture.

There is an option in midi settings that can toggle cuelist, 32 of 'm (i need 24) but how can i manage that?
Doens't that only toggle the list and not the cue in it?

I think i need more midi settings, could do it if i could toggle more than 20 cues though midi.
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Re: Need some help setting up an AKAI APC Mini MK2

Post by martink »

Hola en este 2024 todavia no pude configurar mi Akai, necesitaria la guia correcta o practica para cambuiar los colores de los mismos puesto que los"midi notes" no los encontre en el setting que utilice
Can now teach FS to others (Hopefully!)
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I Use FreeStyler for: Home Lighting Control

Re: Need some help setting up an AKAI APC Mini MK2

Post by SiGNe »

martink wrote: June 9th, 2024, 2:26 am Hola en este 2024 todavia no pude configurar mi Akai, necesitaria la guia correcta o practica para cambuiar los colores de los mismos puesto que los"midi notes" no los encontre en el setting que utilice
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