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AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

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AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by SuperFa47 »

Hello friends, sorry my english, I'm from Argentina. I'm about to buy a midi control, and I want to know which one is the best for Freestyler.
Thank you

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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by Laudrin »

Hey SuperFa47, unfortunately I do not own a BCF 2000, but judging by the user opinions here in the forum and that there is a whole subforum dedicated to that device, I would say it definitely is a good device.

I use a Akai ACP 20 and am very happy with it. You have to tweak it a little bit and configure it in FreeStyler, but now I have different color button feedback with it, which is very handy for clarity and usage in the dark. :-)

The only thing missing are motorised faders, which the BCF 2000 does have. If you switch pages or fixture groups, the values will jump inevitably if you change the faders from their position used in a different setting.

So you may want to think about a combination of a motor fader and a button device. E. g. BCF 2000 & APC20 or BCF 2000 & Novation Launchpad.
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by Partyman »

I own both and the APC is much better just because of the LED lights to let you know what is active. The Apc also has many more programming options.
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by Laudrin »

But you have to set is to the right mode via Sysex. In general MIDI-Controller-Mode, you don't have the button lights and colors. There are small, free programs out there to achieve that.

Partyman, I ran into a strange problem yesterday, maybe you can help me (I posted it into the forum because there may be other users with the same problem, maybe including the original poster). After getting to work button feedback and colors a few days ago, I used the combination of FreeStyler and Akai APC 20, initializing the APC20 to Abelton Mode.

Apart from a few glitches (some buttons not lighting or lighting when they should be off) there was a problem with the 1-8 buttons (lowest "big" button row") which I mapped to switching Groups 1–8. They did not work, even if I tried to remap them via learn function in FS Setup (FS recognizes the button and puts the same value into the field, in MIDI mode, FS does not recognize the buttons).

And the small buttons, I use on one MIDI page to use submaster go/toggle/back, show the same behavior which occurred in MIDI mode: I have to press them twice for every action, which is also very problematic for fast light busking. :-(

I know the APC20 did go into Abelton mode because the button colors and behaviour was (except the glitches and mentioned button problems) as expected.

Do you have an idea?
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by Partyman »

I have no idea about ableton mode or not. I have only programmed everything directly through the learn process. All buttons on mine function properly as far as launching the desired action but there are a couple buttons that dont light up correctly no matter what you do. After having the same problem on multiple machines with different APCs I assume it is a coding mistake that will not allow the colors to work correctly on those buttons.

After trying to understand the above problem I realized that I own APC Minis not APC 20, sorry
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by doctorzorro »

There's a third option.
I use Korg NanoKey and Korg NanoKontrol 2 midi controllers. The Kontrol has 8 sliders, 8 pots and 3 buttons per channel which are perfect for selecting submasters and controlling their speed and intensity. the NanoKey is used for blackouts (black keys) and strobes, flashes etc... on the white ones. these two combined make for a near perfect control for FS, in my case running on a former POS touchscreen system so you can use the touchscreen for selecting colors, groups and masterspeed/intens.
The only thing you need to do is use Korg's multi-device editing software to put the NanoKey in note on/off mode so it gives full on midinotes instead of velocity sensitive, which is it's normal out-of-box state. This process is simple however, kudo's for Korg to supply this editing software. Akai, for instance, does not which made me send the mini-apc back tot the shop and keep te Korg twins. I couldn't get the akai to light it's buttons according to the state of whatever it is controlling, it didn't respond well to fast on/off toggles and the faders were "slow" in a certain unpleasant way. I didn't want to use other midi translator prog's or other wizzarding stuff since I'm not the only one who has to work with my system and it should be as KISS as possible. Always bear in mind that while we might be Sorcerers of the Light, we are forever surrounded by Muggles who don't care and cry wolf whenever it doesn't work right.
These Korg controllers are cheap, simple and are a nice compact size about the width of the screen so I made a console of it that looks a bit like an old synthesizer/computer terminal. Only con is the somewhat flimsy build on them, they're meant for bedroom producers, not for heavy touring use although at the 50 euro a pop pricepoint, you could always keep a spare at hand.
All in all,
Try them, they are brilliant!
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by billdj »

Who can help me with akai apc 20? I don't have any luck on it
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by SiGNe »

I have An APC mini MK2 and it's ideal, you have faders for at leat 8 lights (or Groups) +1 master fader and there are 64 buttons to use for cues (plus a shift button for 64 more)
The buttons on the MK2 are RGB too, very handy to see what a button does.

This colortable helped a lot by the way: ... view?pli=1
Last edited by SiGNe on May 8th, 2024, 8:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: AKAI APC or Berinhger Bcf 2000?

Post by SiGNe »

Partyman wrote: December 31st, 2018, 2:36 am I have no idea about ableton mode or not. I have only programmed everything directly through the learn process. All buttons on mine function properly as far as launching the desired action but there are a couple buttons that dont light up correctly no matter what you do. After having the same problem on multiple machines with different APCs I assume it is a coding mistake that will not allow the colors to work correctly on those buttons.

After trying to understand the above problem I realized that I own APC Minis not APC 20, sorry
Is that the 6th light on row 1 and the 5th on row 3?
I have that problem too, although the used to be the right color.

Thought about warantying it but if they all have that problem that's no use
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