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Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

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Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by rkhanso »

I looked at the fixtures in Freestyler and need to use an Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack ... Dimmer.pdf, but didn't see it on the list in Freestyler fixture setup. I'm going to rent 3 of them for a play - with PAR's plugged into them. Is there a fixture for this? Do I need to create a fixture for this? Or, do I just set Freestyler up with PARs instead of using a dimmer pack - as if the ED15 dimmer pack just invisible to Freestyler?


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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by jonny b good »

Don't worry about creating or patching dimmer packs.

Patch the fixtures you are going to attach to the dimmer channel, so if a Par Can then patch a Par Can. That way in FreeStyler (and other software) you control the fixture not the dimmer pack which makes it easier to understand, also in a visualiser you would not patch a dimmer pack, you would patch the fixture as well.
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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by TranceDJUri »

What if just I want the dimmer pack to control on/off lights, which thus don't have fixture patches?
(I actually have this issue for both the ED15 and the Elation DP-415 dimmer pack.)
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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by skintner »

I'm not sure I understand this... I have 16 par cans connected to two dimmer channels on the Eliminator (which is being replaced)... add the par cans? on the channel of the dim pack?

So let's say the dim pack is at address 33... the cans are on channel 2 and 3 of the dimmer pack... so channel two on the dim pack is actually 34? 3 is 35... would these be the information set in FS?

thanks for your help and patience...

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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by dmxlighting »

What JohnnyBGood (no longer on here) meant is that if you have a dimmer pack then you don't need to load a dimmer pack profile.

Lets say you have a 4 channel dimmer pack set on DMX channel 10. Plugged into it you have 4 par 56 lanterns, one per channel, so thats channel 10,11,12,13 taken care of.

Instead of telling FS that you have a 4 channel dimmer you can tell it you have 4 par cans. So you would load in 4 individual fixtures on the FS desktop assigned or patched to channels 10,11,12,13. Doing this would just make life easier when it comes to programming and if you wanted to use the DMX400 facility in FS you would have to use this method as you won't be able to assign a multi channel dimmer pack to work.

Hope that cleared that up.
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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by skintner »

Hi all,
I don't know if this is needed or not, bult here it is... I am using it and it works for dimming my par cans.

Small contribution, but it's something :o

Merry Christmas!
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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by Spirit »

@ skinters , your fixture file looks oke.
But thats Just what DMXlighting is talking about.

Its better if you patch Seperate Fixtures For each Channels.
As Exapmle From the patching list "PARCAN" or "PAR 64".

This way DMX400 and the FX generator will also work.

Because DMX400 and FX generator doesnt Understand that ONE Fixture gots 4 Dimmers channels.
so only the first dimmer channel will work the other 3 will do nothing. ;)

Greats, spirit
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Re: Eliminator ED15 Dimmer Pack

Post by skintner »

Thanks, spirit. I think I understand that now. I will change this in FS to individual channels. However, I am happy that I am growing in understanding and use of fixture creator.

Again, Merry Christmas to all!
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