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New to this - help please! Topic is solved

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Knows how to turn Lights ON
Posts: 1
Joined: July 28th, 2020, 7:04 pm
FreeStyler Version: V2
I Use FreeStyler for: Nightclub Lighting

New to this - help please!

Post by Marcanta »

I am just starting out trying to learn how to program lights for my own club events and is faced with multiple problems.
I just received the Enttec Open DMX USB interface a few days ago and first problem I am faced with is that I can download the latest version of Freestyler but nothing happens when I click on it to install it.
Anyone have problem with this? I can download previous version so that is what I have been doing.

The next problem seems to be when I have setup the Enttec device and program lights a lot of weird issues seems to be happening. For starters, everytime I open Frestyler a pop up says "Open Failed!" but I can click on it and then I am in anyways but it gives me a feeling that I have missed something?

Next is when I try to create a scene.
I have a four cheap RGB Wash lights, an ADJ Mini Dekker, a small Suny laser and two Equinox Hot Rods. I pretty much had fixture create all of them and it seems to react proparly when I turn all levers so seems alright there. But I pretty much numbered and named the DMX channels used for each fixture.

Then when I create a scene with lets say 7 steps it seems to work alright until I start with the next light in the same scene and steps, so a little back and forth then when I click play it does what I have told each light to do. But when I save it and choose it, things seems to have changed that has nothing to to with the edits I made. For example it could look like most lights act as they should but the ADJ Mini Dekker has choosen new colors and strobes all over the steps even though I know I didn't program that. Why is that?

Thank you for answers and if more problems occour I'll be sure to post them in this thread.

FS is my life
Posts: 781
Joined: July 11th, 2007, 8:39 pm
FreeStyler Version: 4.01
I Use FreeStyler for: Nightclub Lighting

Re: New to this - help please!

Post by Partyman »

1.No idea, works fine for me

2. In setup make sure that you have the correct USB interface selected and that all ports are correct. Set universe 2 to "virtual" interface

3. Make sure every light has its own address and is in proper DMX mode, make sure no addresses overlap (cant happen unless you override channel settings)

4. Although they are called "intelligent" the lights are not. They do what you tell them to do and also do not stop what they are doing unless told to do so. A sequence only launches a sequence, it does not tell the lights to stop doing something unless you tell it to, meaning that values will carry over to the next sequence. You can click the cue setting that tells light to always return to the previous value when sequences are stopped. The easiest way to control this is to make sure that every channel is "on" when programming (regardless of whether the channel has a value or not).

If you have any other issues please post your fixture files and your setup file so we can inspect and see where the problems are.

hope this helped a little
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