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Blackout Groups

Sometimes when you are doing your show you want a selection of lights to “Blackout”, with the “blackout groups” you can do this.

How Does It Work

This works very easy, the “groups” that are automatically maked are also the “Blackout Groups” so “group 1” is also “Blackout group 1” only you can make 24 “Blackout groups” to control with your keyboard, midi divice or touchscreen UI2.

How Do I Create Groups? (Blackout)

Just follow these steps below:

  1. Add and patch the required fixtures for the show.
  2. Click on 'Edit' located on the Menu bar between File and Fixture and select 'Groups'.
  3. In the group window type the name of the group you wish to create and then click 'Add Group'.
  4. Click on the group which you have just added so that it is highlighted. Then select the fixtures you wish to add to this group and click 'Add Fixtures'.
  5. Close this window. Click 'Window' on the Menu bar and then 'Groups' to bring up the groups window.


Some Fixures doesn't Blackout. See Troubleshooting

fixtures/blackout_groups.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/11 03:45 by

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