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Colorspot 250at 3d Model is missing

Posted: July 17th, 2018, 8:12 am
by Krauthaus
Hi there!

The Colorspot 250at from Robe is in the fixture library, but If I try to insert it to a stage this message appears:

"Cannot add fixture, an error occured while building the fixture (3D Object is maybe missing)"

Then a new window appears, "Easy View Library - Missing Files".

In there a table with only one Entry tells me that the file "EasyViewLibrary\Fixtures\L051.x1" is missing.

Is there any workaround for this? Is this fixture maybe just not present in the free version`?

I really would apprechiate some help:D

Best regards

Re: Colorspot 250at 3d Model is missing

Posted: July 18th, 2018, 9:34 am
by Krauthaus
Ok, If somebody stumble upon the same problem: You can use the fixture editor to assign a other model to your moving head.