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ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: November 17th, 2008, 9:19 pm
by drbob
Not had a chance to fully test this yet but it might help someone out.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: November 30th, 2008, 8:01 pm
by Sparko
Thank you for this file.

I confess, I am inexperienced (the forum's newest member) but have been experimenting with DMX for a while.
Recently built Velleman 8062 with no problem. It runs velleman DMX switch units and one channel dimmers with freestyler. I am also writing a file for a pair of scanners which I think are something generic and cheap called Star 250. These run ok too.
My ProSound Smart II works ok with the Velleman stand alone DMX software but not with freestyler. My units have diferent channels from those in the posted file, but with these changed, the scanner reacts very slowly (after several seconds), not at all or randomly. The same happens if I use the generic 6 channel file.
It would seem that the ProSound units do not like freestyler. Is this possible and has anyone else tried them?


Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:31 pm
by 00sound
the ssc 2 works perfectly well with freesyler, i used 4 together with other fixtues, no problems, i think the reaction times may have been adjusted either in the program or on the units themselves, either that or the fixture file is not right, i have not found one yet that works ok on the forum. i have to re-write a fixture file for mine (computer stolen) will upload it when i get round to it, will call it "foxys ssc-2" keep an eye open for it.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 9:51 pm
by CutDMX12
yar i have 5 of then and some times i tell them all to black out "at the same time" but 3 off them do it at the same time then the other 2 do it a bit later??????

BUT i have made a DMX termater that seems to do the job but you will still have the problum some times but at lest it is less offten

Two Words

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 11:51 am
by Inspector_Gadget
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to DMX, but not to computers, nor to stage lighting, and had recently installed Freestyler following several other programs that I just couldn't get on with, including under Linux, and immediately ran into problems controlling the Prosound SmartScan 2's with the Velleman interface.

I've done some investigating, and it seems that its probably a combination of problems:
1) Cheap electronics in the SmartScans with partially deaf decoding circuits missing their addresses
2) Cheap electonics in the Velleman - no buffers for the data in/out, all timing generated by the computer
3) Freestyler insisting on outputting all 512 channels, whether used or not.

I had some bizarre effects happening, and tried everything, even reversing DMX polarity. Terminators on/off, single lamp control, slaving the lamps from some Geni's and vice versa, but everything pointed to it being Freestyler being the main culprit.

After a lot of arguments with the system, I think i might have come up with half a (non-technical) workaround for the problem...

a) Run DMXDemo from the Velleman CD (or download from the site)
b) Set the channels to no more than about 32 and test control of the SSC-2's - they should be working... if not, try a reboot and start again. The LED on the Velleman will be flashing considerably faster than normal under Freestyler - this is a good indicator for you, as it flashes at the end of each transmission cycle.
c) Leave this program running in the background, and Start Freestyler
d) You will probably now see the light flashing more slowly on the DMX unit, as Freestyler takes control and starts outputting all 512 channels
e) Without closing any programmes, go back to DMXDemo, and change the max number of channels up and down a couple of times back to about 16/32 - the led should blink faster again now.
f) Try control under freestyler, and everything should be working (leave DMXDemo running in the background).

Sometimes you have to do this a few times... Freestyler seems to reset the output every now and then.

What it really needs is control under Freestyler to restrict the number of outputted channels either by manual control, or a count of how many are actually in use, and a half decent interface from Velleman! Although if they did that, it wouldn't be a self-build, self-learn kit anymore probably!

An alternative method may be a small program that constantly keeps setting the MaxChannels to a low figure for you... I haven't really time at the moment to sit down and figure something out for that.

Personally, I think perhaps I've got to the limits of the Velleman kit, and am considering a change to one of the other "Pro" models... I sometimes have need to control big stage lighting rigs with nearly all channels in use, and I don't think I can trust the Velleman to do that reliably. I bought it as a play thing really to experiment.... it has done it's job!

As for the SSC-2 fixture files; I'm attaching one I've created for them... it works fine on my lamps, which seem to have different channel allocations to those published everywhere! I still fine tune it every now and then and play with little macros, but it might help someone out.

Best regards,

Insp Gadget.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 3:21 pm
by remco_k
In the new (not yet released) version of FreeStyler, Raph has made that the number of output channels can be set.
That helps a lot, but not as much as you would like.

Far out the biggest problem is the Velleman interface itself. I even rewrote its driver to take care of certain things I thought I could take care of...
Instead I bumped into the biggest problem of the Velleman interface: The more channels are sent having a higher value than 0, the slower the transmission to the Velleman interface is. For example; having 256 channels set to some value other than zero, it takes at least 300msec (!!!!) to transmit this data to the Velleman USB interface. This can not be solved by writing the driver smarter than the vellemans original, its just the way it works at the USB input of the interface. Its just way way way! to slow. Thats why they group all (and only) 0 values together in the driver, and transmit them as: "send 512 0's now" instead of sending 512 times a 0. Which would take about 600 msec to do...
Read a few topics I started to get the complete picture, first going into other ways like the number of channels. The good solution? The Velleman interface is crap, it cant be rebuild to go faster, I bought an Enttec USB DMX Pro.

FS always outputs 512 channels?
'Slow' response on flash button
Does a DMX splitter add extra delay?
This post and further is the most interesting: Re: Does a DMX splitter add extra delay?
In short; these 3 topics have 1 common source of the problem: The Velleman VM116/K8062 interface.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 4:29 pm
by Inspector_Gadget
Thanks for that helpful reply remco.

I think I'd already read those posts as part of my search for a solution!

Looks we've all come to the same conclusions, independently.

I phoned our UK suppliers a while ago to check availability on the EntTec USB Pro, but they are out of stock... likewise the Afterglow Aurora-Pro. How do you find yours now you have it, in comparison? Solved all the problems I guess? Seems a bit strange for them to be using basically a USB-RS232 interface as part of the hardware - I would have thought there was a better way somehow, but it probably reflects it's open DMX past and the low development costs. I'm not sure whether just the Open DMX architecture would be much better than the Velleman without that extra processor to reissue the commands to the DMX line all in strict time. Any comments from anybody?

Ironically, the whole system has been behaving almost perfectly all afternoon now, with all the lights running near enough perfectly straight out of freestyler, with no other tweaks! Interestingly, I have sound to light turned on - not sure if it makes any difference anywhere.

Nice to hear an update is due out anyway... channel restriction would be best practice anyway... any timescale? I've got a show to do this weekend, and I'm getting edgy now! :o
I might just end up having to do it the old fashioned way if I can't get it all working.

Really need to solve the problem long term though within a couple of months as I've got a big show to put together for then, and I can't keep throwing money at it constantly in an attempt to solve the problems.

Best regards,

Insp Gadget

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 7:15 pm
by remco_k
Inspector_Gadget wrote:Thanks for that helpful reply remco.

I think I'd already read those posts as part of my search for a solution!

Looks we've all come to the same conclusions, independently.
Yep, it seems we did. :mrgreen:
I phoned our UK suppliers a while ago to check availability on the EntTec USB Pro, but they are out of stock... likewise the Afterglow Aurora-Pro. How do you find yours now you have it, in comparison? Solved all the problems I guess? Seems a bit strange for them to be using basically a USB-RS232 interface as part of the hardware - I would have thought there was a better way somehow, but it probably reflects it's open DMX past and the low development costs. I'm not sure whether just the Open DMX architecture would be much better than the Velleman without that extra processor to reissue the commands to the DMX line all in strict time. Any comments from anybody?
Not sure if I understand this part of your post correctly, but it seems you think the Enttec USB DMX Pro and the Enttec Open DMX are the same. They are not.
The USB DMX Pro is the one with the processor on board, I have this one, and works perfectly. This interfaces takes care of the complete DMX protocol on its own. The computer just sends the changed values when needed. In fact, shutting down FreeStyler doesn't stop the interface from sending the DMX data, it just keeps on sending je last known values, as long as it has power from the USB port.
The Open DMX is the one without processor, so the computer needs to do all of the work (create the DMX protocol), just like when using the Velleman interface.
Unlike the Velleman the Open DMX has none intelligence on board. Which, on the other hand, just might be the way it could work good/fast, because that intelligence on the Velleman is causing the troubles, its to slow.
Nice to hear an update is due out anyway... channel restriction would be best practice anyway... any timescale? I've got a show to do this weekend, and I'm getting edgy now! :o
I might just end up having to do it the old fashioned way if I can't get it all working.

Really need to solve the problem long term though within a couple of months as I've got a big show to put together for then, and I can't keep throwing money at it constantly in an attempt to solve the problems.
Send me an e-mail using the e-mail button on the right of this post. I'll send back version 3.0.3. (I hope Raph is ok with that)
Keep in mind its a beta version, not everything is working perfectly. So really test your setup good, before going live.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 8:19 pm
by Inspector_Gadget
Thank you to both Onge, and Remco for their replies.

I'll give Cooper Controls a try in the morning - thanks.

Remco - I'll email you in a minute - it can't do any harm to anything at this stage to try a beta version, and it's all on a computer that can be rebuilt in a flash if necessary! :D

Thanks again.

Insp Gadget

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 13th, 2009, 4:14 pm
by djSupport
This is a freestyler version from a while back running an enttec OPEN DMX :
I was controlling 8 x 250w PSL moving heads 6 x scanners 4 x pin spot scanners an astoraggi what ever the feck u'd call it lol and the big 1000w thinng in the middle There seemed to be absouloutley no delay and my laptop wasnt a top range one (before dual core, vista and 1GB ram!)

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 13th, 2009, 4:18 pm
by remco_k
<snap some stupid reaction of me>

Never mind, misunderstood and did'nt read the post well enough.
I see DJ Support is trying to tell that the Enttec Open DMX is running well.

Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 9:41 am
by cmgill
Hi there,

Has anyone got a later version of this cause the one I downloaded from this thread doesnt appear corect cause I cant get the lamp to be permanently on, it obviously is one cause you can see through the vents. Also the colour and gobo wheels are swapped over on the controls.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Re: ProSound (SmartII) SSC-2 fixture file

Posted: March 24th, 2010, 9:22 am
by benmoore56
Hi has any one got a copy of the manual for this fixture i cant seem to find one on the internet