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Problem with mixed RGB devices and not RGB devices + midi control + midi fader dmx control

Posted: May 6th, 2023, 8:55 pm
by DimiBo

I'm busy to midi control freestyler with my 2 akai apc mini devices.
At this moment i get thinks to work like i want, but i also have some troubles for thinks that react like i doesn't want ...

1) The biggest trouble for me at this moment ...
I have different groups of lights (example, group 1 rgbwa-uv led pars, group 4 a simple led light effect (no rgb), group 9 RGBW wash moving heads, group 10 RGBW beam moving heads).
On my midi controller i selected that some faders have the red channel, the green channel and the blue channel for midi control.
When i select a group (for example the led pars with rgb), everything is fine, so i can control with the faders the red, green, blue channels of the pars, so thats ok.
Also when i do for example group 1 + group 9, (rgb led pars + rgb moving heads), i can control the lights with te rgb channels and is working fine.

But then ..., when i add the group with the light in it where is no rgb in it? Then it goes wrong ... The rgb faders start to work inverse ... Red on 0 is on and 255 in off, also for the green and blue... So the values are inverted. I can see this also in the output of freestyler. So al the lights are reacting wrong on my demands.
When i put of the light without the rgb, then it is working fine again...
Is this a bug ?
How can i solve this, or what can i do to solve this please ?

2) Also another question, i want with some fader to directly controle a dmx channel. That is working at this moment. But is it possible to add 2 dmx channels to one fader on the midi controller ?
I have almost al the time 2 the same ligths, but on different adresses. So i want for the 2 lights direct control on each dmx channel for the single light ...
Is this possible and how can i do this please ?

Hopefully you can understand mu troubles ...

Kind regards !