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Gobo Window Not Show All, Is there a limit?

Posted: November 10th, 2022, 5:08 am
by BradWhite
I have a laser with over 200 preset patterns. I used the 1st Gobo channel for the static patterns (the vast majority of them) and the 2nd Gobo channel for around 15 pre-configured animations. All is fine except for the Gobo window displayed in Freestyler. That window has only displayed my entire list of Gobos (laser patterns) once. The Gobo window comes up 99.9999% of the time with only a small number of the Gobos showing.

The window will be tall and narrow (4 icons wide at the most). I can not resize the window, and I can not move the window by dragging the title bar, but I can move it by dragging it from within the window itself. But moving it does not correct it.

As I said, that window did appear correctly ONCE - showing all 200+ icons. But only once.

Are there restrictions are a suggested limit on the number of Gobos you can set up?

Is there a better way I can program all of those patterns? They are all crammed on one channel, and the first 197 are changed in increments of 1.

I know I don't need 200+ laser patterns, but I would like to be able to see them all so I can pick those that I like. And yes, there is a slider for that channel, but have you ever tried using a notebook mousepad to move a slider 1 step at a time? Let me tell ya, not fun!

Thanks for your time, thoughts, and or suggestions,

Re: Gobo Window Not Show All, Is there a limit?

Posted: November 15th, 2022, 4:36 pm
by BradWhite
I found the following statement elsewhere, which does express that there is a limit to the number of icons that can be displayed. It does not say that limit, but we know it is less than 148.

"To display all 37 different LED lighting patterns on all four lamp heads, previous versions of Fixture Creator and FreeStyler would have needed 4 X 37 or 148 total macro buttons. Not only are 148 macro buttons cumbersome, but it also reaches the limits to how many buttons can be placed on the Macros window in FreeStyler."

Re: Gobo Window Not Show All, Is there a limit?

Posted: November 24th, 2022, 9:12 pm
by djSupport
create more fixtures using fixture creator i.e. laser 1, laser 2 with the same details but the values and images for the next group of images/patterns, address them identically in FS then use the windows from the first one for control then use the other fixtures windows for setting the desired pattern OR print a spreadsheet or something with the values and pattern images, then use a custom slider in fixture creator and adjust the values to match the image on your 'cheat sheet' you printed