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Where does Freestyler save the working set files ?

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 10:33 pm
by jack63ss
I am trying to share fixture files from one copy of Freestyler to another and am having an issue. I assumed ALL the fixture files were in the Fixture directory, but if I open a fixture using Fixture Creator or Freestyler I do NOT always get the data in THAT specific file. It is like the files are cached someplace else. For example, I went into the Fixture directory and deleted a fixture file. I assumed that when I started FC and tried to open it that I would get an error, but it got the old fixture info from someplace else ??? Where is the working set data kept and how do I update it ?

Re: Where does Freestyler save the working set files ?

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 11:41 pm
by Partyman
you cannot just copy fixture files you must export them then open. If you are trying to move from 1 PC to another, do a backup/restore and it will pack all necessary files into the backup.
If you just want to copy a fixture file: Open file in fixture creator then select the export option.

Re: Where does Freestyler save the working set files ?

Posted: March 16th, 2022, 3:21 pm
by djSupport
FS checks for fixtures when it starts it isn't cached anywhere, if it's gone it's gone. It is saved in the fixtures directory of the main FS directey

Re: Where does Freestyler save the working set files ?

Posted: March 16th, 2022, 3:24 pm
by djSupport
Saying that I've just found this recently posted viewtopic.php?t=9022 perhaps this helps