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Adding fixture twice

Posted: November 23rd, 2021, 6:36 pm
by kharman
Everytime I try to add a second set of the same fixture I get a Path not found error but clearly it is there as it has already been used. Is this a know issue and if so is there any way of fixing the issue? I have worked around it by creating copies of my fixtures, but it doesn't seem like I should have to do that.

Re: Adding fixture twice

Posted: November 23rd, 2021, 7:42 pm
by Partyman
I cannot understand what you are doing. Are you trying to duplicate a fixture so you have icons for every fixture even if they are the same address? You cant do that, once an address is taken you cannot put another fixture at the same address. You can right click on a fixture and select "clone fixture" which will give you as many copies of the icon as you want.
If you want to be able to control your fixtures individually they must each have their own address. If you address them all the same then you can only control them as a whole.

Edit: After trying exactly what i just explained the clone fixture feature does not appear to work correctly

Re: Adding fixture twice

Posted: November 30th, 2021, 7:14 pm
by kharman
I have multiple groups of the same fixtures. Each group has a different starting address, so I want to add them as a group. I would have this issue if I bought another light of the same type and tried to add it later after my initial setup. I cannot add the same type of fixture (different addresses) without getting the error.

Re: Adding fixture twice

Posted: December 2nd, 2021, 8:19 am
by Partyman
I am not able to understand what it is you are attempting to do. I have no problems adding the same fixture in singles or groups as long as the channels do not overlap. Please give us a step by step instruction of what you are doing and when the error appears.

is this what you are trying to do? Example using 5 channel fixtures:
Led1 ch1
led2 ch6
led3 ch11
led4 ch16

Led1 ch21
led2 ch26
led3 ch31
led4 ch36

Led1 ch41
led2 ch46
led3 ch51
led4 ch56