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Problems Freestyler backups and 4.1 (with solution)

Posted: July 11th, 2021, 6:08 am
by Partyman
This is for anyone upgrading to 4.1 and using a backup file from pre version 4... I have had to open most of my cues in version 4.1 editor and save them again in order to get them to work correctly. they appear to have a new file extention. The easiest thing for me was to just create a new folder and save all cues to the new folder , otherwise you will have two files for each cue and it can get very confusing.

Re: Problems Freestyler backups and 4.1 (with solution)

Posted: July 11th, 2021, 1:15 pm
by Crrispy
The sequences are now named .chs instead of .chb . But the old ones still work for me, hopefully.

Re: Problems Freestyler backups and 4.1 (with solution)

Posted: July 12th, 2021, 6:40 am
by Partyman
Mine would not