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4.0.1 BUG!! Strange behaviour of Override buttons in ver. 4.0.1

Posted: November 30th, 2020, 6:21 pm
by draceq

I know, bugs shoud be reported in Bug tracker, but unfortunately I´m not able to log in that tracker. So, I write it here, and maybe someone can tall me if it is really bug or am I only doing something wrong? This issue was not an issue with previous versions... :(

Whats the problem:

Example situation: two fixtures, one par and one moving head.
I put "PAR red" on one override button and "HEAD on" on other override button.
When I press "PAR red", par turns red. Press again, par turns off. That´s OK.
Button "HEAD on" reacts same way (press, head turns on, press again, head turns off). That´s OK, too.

BUT - when i press "PAR red", than "HEAD on", par turns red, head turns on , and than i press "PAR red" again.... and nothing happens! Par is still shining red, although the button is OFF!
I must turn the second "HEAD on" button off too, just than both fixtures turns off.
It seems to be bug called "one active button is holding all other buttons also active, independently on their real state".

Here is short video of that strange behaviour:

Thanks for explaining or correcting the problem.

Re: 4.0.1 BUG!! Strange behaviour of Override buttons in ver. 4.0.1

Posted: December 17th, 2020, 7:52 pm
by lj_raph
Hi, can you send me your FreeStyler backupfile so I can take a look? You may send it to freestylersupport"at"

Re: 4.0.1 BUG!! Strange behaviour of Override buttons in ver. 4.0.1

Posted: December 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm
by draceq
Sure, I have to pick up the FS console from the storage and as soon as I turn it on, I will send backup file 😉

Re: 4.0.1 BUG!! Strange behaviour of Override buttons in ver. 4.0.1

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 6:01 pm
by draceq
Backup file sended ;)