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Midi controller programming???

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 9:27 pm
by stretchtuning
I have been able to setup a midi controller with freestyler but even though the note assignments "learn" properly in the midi control window, freestyler doesn't react to the controller i.e. blackout, trigger a sequence.

Can anyone shed some light on what is happening here?

Re: Midi controller programming???

Posted: August 7th, 2008, 7:45 pm
by AndrewWeiss
Yea I am having the same problem when I try to control some functions with my midi keyboard.

Re: Midi controller programming - AMENDED

Posted: August 8th, 2008, 7:14 pm
by stretchtuning
I must amend my first posting. I now better understand the Freestyler midi capabilities and the short comings of my foot controller. Any controller must send out Note On as well as Program Change messages for Freestyler to respond properly. A typical controller that sends Note On messages will send out a velocity amount (in my new controller's case 'On: 64') then send out either Note Off message or typical is to send another Note On message of '0'. Freestyler not only needs the Note ON but also either a Note Off or a Note On of '0' to respond as you desire.

Long story short, my controller (a Roland GFC-50) did not send out Note On so while I could setup the Midi in the setup menu Freestyler didn't respond because it needs the Note On / Off or Note On/ On message. The new controller (Behringer FCB1010) sends out a Note On: 64 when you press any pedal and a Note On: 0 when you release the pedal.

Hopefully this will help anyone with controller issues.

Re: Midi controller programming???

Posted: August 13th, 2008, 7:23 am
by Tee1234
I am having this problem with my fcb1010, can you please explain further on how to program the 1010 thanks :D

Re: Midi controller programming???

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 4:27 am
by stretchtuning
I've setup a new topic to specifically cover the FCB1010 from here on out.

Re: Midi controller programming???

Posted: March 23rd, 2009, 4:17 pm
by hobbe
Anyone know how to automatically send a Midi note OFF after a tone in Cubase SX?

I´m trying to get the midi-controlling from a DAW to work.

I use the RGB channels in freestyler... As long as there´s a note, Freeestyler respondes to that notes velocity. But after the note the value should be set to 0, but it gets a default value of 100-something.

one solution is to send a note with velocity '0' where i want the LED to be off. But there must be an easier way to do this?

either in Freestyler, where i can set the default value to 0, or via a MIDI-off in cubase... The last way out is to automate the Logical editor in cubase to create a 0 velocity note between each "real Note"

Any ideas???