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Problemas com Mini Moving// Problems with Mini Moving

Posted: October 10th, 2018, 2:10 pm
by souzacaio15
Olá, sou novato na area de Interface, uso uma ENTEC OPEN DMX, e estou com muita dificuldade para criar meus Pas led, estou a quase um mês tentando e não tenho sucesso, queria pedir a colaboração, vou deixar o link aqui do produto e foto do manual, por favor me ajudem!!!

Hello, I'm new to the Interface area, I use an ENTEC OPEN DMX, and I'm very difficult to create my Pas led, I've been trying for almost a month and I'm not successful, I wanted to ask for the collaboration, I'll leave the link here for the product and photo of the manual, please help me !!! ... gobo-e-cor

Re: Problemas com Mini Moving// Problems with Mini Moving

Posted: December 26th, 2018, 7:06 pm
by Laudrin
Hi souzacaio15, what problem do you have creating the fixture file? Maybe I can help and guide you through the process.