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Connecting several Enttec Open DMX simultaneously

Posted: November 2nd, 2017, 7:28 pm
by sync40
Hello to everybody,

I would like to know if someone have some real-world experience about connecting several Enttec Open DMX interfaces at the same time to the same computer.

The main goal is to obtain more than one universe (of course in software that have this capabilities).

Every Enttec Open DMX interface have a FTDI FT232 chip inside, and every chip has a different ID, so the operating system (at least Windows) should recognize and enumerate every interface as a distinct USB device.

So the main questions are two:
1) I plan to connect several Enttec Open DMX through an external USB hub to my computer. When the external hub is inserted to the PC, the USB enumeration process begins. Due to Windows nature, the enumeration order is not always the same, so let say, my Enttec Open DMX interface number 1 is not always USB enumerated at first that my second interface (enumeration order may not be the same always). However, since every FTDI FT232 chip have its own USB ID, there should not be confusion to the DMX software used to know was universe was (already assigned previously of course) to interface number one, and what other universes were assigned to the remaining interfaces. At least, Jinx! do remembers this settings. Any experiences regarding this?

Thank you for any info in advance