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Pan/tilt resize

Posted: January 6th, 2017, 10:29 am
by maros336
I need to help with this function. I am using 4moving heads which movements (and colors,strobe etc) I control via submasters. Sometimes I need adjust movement limits for stage, but I cannot seem to make it work. Could you please help me? Thank you!
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Re: Pan/tilt resize

Posted: January 6th, 2017, 10:01 pm
by barrypearce
I have just came across this very issue myself.

My solution is Presets.

What I am doing is creating tilt presets for the positions up the room that I use for my lighting rig and there are a few positions (16 in fact) which potentially require calibration to the venue as well.

I make them presets and save them out into their own directory. The presets are based on using a room configured as "average" for the sizes of venues I play - so even if not perfect it wont be a bad start.

Make up all your sequences (chases) based on these presets for the moving head fixtures. When you alter the preset it will alter all of the sequences using that preset.

I then make a backup of these presets.

Then before every gig I will copy the "default" ones I have over the top. Then when I get to the venue if I have no time Ill run with my average stuff. If I have time to calibrate the system Ill load up each of the presets in the sequence editor one by one and just check that the position is correct and tweak as needed.

I think this is what you are looking for - check it out using Magic visuals...then resize the stage/room and tweaks the presets - run your show and it should work. :)

Hope this helps!

Re: Pan/tilt resize

Posted: January 6th, 2017, 10:01 pm
by barrypearce
I have just came across this very issue myself.

My solution is Presets.

What I am doing is creating tilt presets for the positions up the room that I use for my lighting rig and there are a few positions (16 in fact) which potentially require calibration to the venue as well.

I make them presets and save them out into their own directory. The presets are based on using a room configured as "average" for the sizes of venues I play - so even if not perfect it wont be a bad start.

Make up all your sequences (chases) based on these presets for the moving head fixtures. When you alter the preset it will alter all of the sequences using that preset.

I then make a backup of these presets.

Then before every gig I will copy the "default" ones I have over the top. Then when I get to the venue if I have no time Ill run with my average stuff. If I have time to calibrate the system Ill load up each of the presets in the sequence editor one by one and just check that the position is correct and tweak as needed.

I think this is what you are looking for - check it out using Magic visuals...then resize the stage/room and tweaks the presets - run your show and it should work. :)

Hope this helps!

Re: Pan/tilt resize

Posted: January 8th, 2017, 10:31 pm
by barrypearce
:( Yeah. Not a solution. It doesnt work. Oh well...

Re: Pan/tilt resize

Posted: May 28th, 2021, 6:43 pm
by villeric
I try to limit the movment of 4 on 6 of my moving light. Is there a way to do it?