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More MIDI options?

Posted: April 22nd, 2008, 11:21 am
by Stoney3K
I've got quite an arrangement of MIDI hardware, and I want to use it with FreeStyler.

For example, I've got a Behringer LC2412 and a BCR2000 connected via MIDI. The former is good for controlling PAR cans, the latter is a good controller for controlling RGB fixtures.

However, even though I have a large amount of faders/knobs available, I can't map any controls to fixture parameters directly. I'd specifically like an option to control dimmer packs via faders, as they're quite difficult to control through mouse clicks. Would it be possible to implement a straight mapping from MIDI commands to fixture parameters?

Re: More MIDI options?

Posted: April 22nd, 2008, 6:13 pm
by Mattotone
Not to parameters but it is possible to map directly to channels.
Search the forum for midi to dmx.
