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Blackout With Freeze

Posted: November 24th, 2014, 10:50 am
by Memory
Hi, when I press Blackout, the sequences are always running... by blackout, all must stop (freeze)!!!...
Best regards

Re: Blackout With Freeze

Posted: November 24th, 2014, 4:43 pm
by Spirit

by default on all lighting software/desk the blackout will only black out and keep on running the sequence.

as there is also a feature "Ignore blackout" so in that case you dont want to freeze everything.


Re: Blackout With Freeze

Posted: November 24th, 2014, 4:50 pm
by Memory
I know that... :-) , but when all softwares are doing that FS must do that :-)!!!?
it will be possible to do edit in the option Blackout "with" or "Without" freeze...
ignore blackout/fiscture it's not the same :-)


Re: Blackout With Freeze

Posted: November 24th, 2014, 5:40 pm
by Spirit
but when all softwares are doing that FS must do that :-)!!!?
oke i see your point.

there's a button (link) on top of this page "submit a bug report" here you can also add Feature request and let the devolper decide about it. good luck.

and for now you can do this with midi and you pc keyboard.
get Midibomes assign a keyboard stroke and send 2 midi notes to the blackout/freeze functions.
also get midiyoke to create a virtual midi connection between midibomes and freestyler.
