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Override Button steps through sequence

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 9:24 pm
by potents
Hi All,
apologies if this is the wrong place to discuss this, I am not really up to speed with forums.

Here goes,
How about an override button which instead of flash or toggle on off lets you cycle though the scenes in a sequence. This would be great where you want a strobe sequence where the strobe could move from fixture to fixture as you cycle through rather than having to have several strobe buttons for each fixture.

Re: Override Button steps through sequence

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 9:55 pm
by Mattotone
This idea whilst sounds good, also seems to have limited use compared to the dev time.
Any other uses?

Re: Override Button steps through sequence

Posted: January 26th, 2014, 8:47 pm
by potents
Hi Matt,
thanks for the quick reply.

My set up is using submasters, one for colour, movement, intensity. This works great for most things, but if I want to do a specific combination, eg full intensity, white and a specific movement, I cannot achieve it with the submasters, it would be nice to be able to do this in submasters. Can I have an extra submaster which overrides all the other submasters?
I cannot seem to control the strobe on my fixtures using submasters. The strobe is on the same channel as the intensity, and however I set up the fixture it doesn't seem to work.
Any help is good.
I think my request to have steppable overrides, is really just a way to overcome not being able to effectively control the strobes through submasters.

Re: Override Button steps through sequence

Posted: February 14th, 2014, 10:45 am
by Hambone
Since you already have a submaster for the intensity channel, this should be pretty easy. You need to create a series of one-scene sequences (chases). In each of these, you would set a different value on the intensity channel. Set up a sequence for blackout, one for full intensity, one for slow strobe, one for medium strobe, and one for fast strobe (and any other special effects you might have).

Once you have them created, make a cue list containing all the sequences. Load the list to your intensity submaster and you'll have your method of control through the submasters. One thing to be aware of, though, is that you need to leave that submaster's intensity slider set to 100% or you will get potentially weird results. Because of this, you might also want to create sequences for various intensity levels.

To address you example of the strobe effect stepping around fixtures, create a multi-step sequence where each step has a different fixture set to strobe. Add it to your submaster and you have your effect.

Hope this helps!

Re: Override Button steps through sequence

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 10:10 am
by potents
Hi Hambone, thanks for the helpful reply. I already do what you suggest. However, because a number of my fixtures have strobe on the intensity channel this is proving difficult, and one of my fixtures has intensity the wrong way round eg 255 dim to 0 full brightness. Freestyler seems to cope ok with the later, but the strobe on the intensity channel is not working correctly. I think a lot of my problems may stem from programming everything in the early days using the individual sliders rather than the fixture controls. eg to set green I would have green slider at 255 and the other 2 at zero rather than picking green off the pallette.

I have another problem which may be a bug. I cannot get shapes into sequences. They work ok with the pan tilt open. I save them to a sequence, but when I play it back nothing happens. I have read every tutorial on the subject, but there must be something fundamental I am doing wrong or a bug in the program. Here is what I am doing.....

select 1 fixture
open pan tilt
select shape
turn on shape - fixture responds as expected
open new sequence
add a scene or save sequence or save all steps tried them all
save sequence
when I close pan tilt fixture stops moving and wont move when cue is played.