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Tap Sync vs. Fade time / Scene time

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 1:28 pm
by BillsGate
When programming a sequence, the option to change fade times and scene times gives you very much flexibility.

However, when running a sequence, if the tempo is set by pressing Tap Sync, all steps are re-set to the tap speed. (e.g. 0.6s)

Although this seems logic, I'd like it more if the step speed would be calculated based on the scene time.
Say the scene time is 2000ms (twice the default) and the tap sync speed is 0.6s, the effective step speed would become 1.2s (twice the tap speed).
Same goes for the fade time. 500ms would translate to 0.3s when running.

I don't believe this is a bug, I am convinced there is a good explanation for the current behaviour. I just don't know/understand it :) That's why I post it here rather than in the bug reporting area

What is the reason for the tap sync button to work this way?
Am I the only one that would like this behaviour above the default method?

Re: Tap Sync vs. Fade time / Scene time

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 2:06 pm
by Nathanrs93
I did notice this a while back but I thought someone mentioned it and it got picked up so it was dealt with. But it would be nice like you say for it not to be 0.6s, as I find I need to tap it 2 or 3 times to get it correct speed.

Re: Tap Sync vs. Fade time / Scene time

Posted: July 28th, 2014, 8:20 pm
by sjaakthomassen

The tap button never seems to reset.
So if you tap a tempo and do it again a minute later, your tempo is set to a minute on your first click.
Better behaviour would be to reset when not clicked for a second or 5 or allow manual reset.

Re: Tap Sync vs. Fade time / Scene time

Posted: July 29th, 2014, 9:16 am
by Mattotone
TapSYync works by calculating the time between the last two taps.
The reason why all steps are set to the same time, is so that that the scene changes on the tap.
for example you tap sync to the beat of a song, the steps will then change in time on each beat, giving a visual form of feedback.
If this wasn't the default behaviour users will complain that its broken as the steps will not be changing in time.