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Midi out command for stop submaster not being sent

Posted: September 20th, 2013, 2:01 pm
by robdquick

I have been trying to get freestyler to send an midi out command when stopping a submaster. If I click the stop button on the GUI, the command is sent, however if I stop it via Midi, the command isn't sent (and the stop button on the GUI doesn't get disabled like it does when you press it with the mouse). The background does turn from blue to white to signify that it's been stopped.

The same applies when using a keyboard key instead of midi.

If I use the toggle command instead of stop, when it toggles to stop it works fine (and the stop button gets disabled as when clicking with mouse).

Can someone confirm that this is that same for them?? Using 3.5.4.

I have submitted a bug report for this one, as it doesn't seem to be working as it should.

Re: Midi out command for stop submaster not being sent

Posted: September 20th, 2013, 4:29 pm
by Spirit
hi your Totaly right..

i also got some Midi output issues...
but there have been so much changes to Midi and i got sick and tired, from all the Changes and Bugs i did not report it any more to the devolper.

i first wait before all the Changes have been made then i'm going to Bugtrack the Midi...


Re: Midi out command for stop submaster not being sent

Posted: September 20th, 2013, 8:28 pm
by robdquick
Have there been lots of changes recently then? I've only just started using it so I have no idea what it was like before.

I can work round it by using the toggle command for now anyway.