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Keyboard/Midi control issue

Posted: August 20th, 2013, 1:52 am
by kwelch007
Hi Folks,

So, I've gotten a USB-Midi adapter, and have an old Casio CT-640 keyboard that I brought out of retirement to use as a controller. The problem I'm having is, FS doesn't seem to be reacting to the midi commands. MIDI-OX sees the commands, and I am able to program them in recognizes when I press keys...but when I go to the main page, it doesn't react to trigger overrides or cuelists or whatever.

When assigning midi commands, it assigns things like:
Note : 43
Page: 1
Channel: n.a.

However, in the three little boxes to left, just to the right of the save button, when I press a button they show:
43 | 64 | 1 - when pressed, and:
43 | 0 | 1 - when not pressed.

In the wiki, it says,
"NoteOn – NoteOff

It is possible to change the default “key down” and “key up” midi command in FreeStyler.
This is due to difference in midi protocol for different controller.
Key Down is default NOTE + VALUE 127 or alternated NOTE ON 127
Key Up is default NOTE + VALUE 0 or alternated NOTE OFF 127"

I'm wondering if this is the problem...I'm thinking that my keyboard is sending the value 64 instead of 127? I don't know, but the Wiki doesn't really say how to change it.

Any thoughts?


Re: Keyboard/Midi control issue

Posted: August 20th, 2013, 2:21 am
by kwelch007
Called my friendly neighborhood FS expert, jdmyers, and he helped me fix it. Turns out my keyboard was sending 64 as the "on" velocity, when it should have been sending 127. So, he had me change "TriggerValue" to 64 in Freestyler.ini, and works. Now to figure out how I want to use it.