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New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 1:02 am
by David_l_perry
Hi guys

As the title suggest I am a new user of freestyler and just joined the forum...

Sorry if this is in the wrong section....

I am currently setting up the lights for a Genesis tribute band I work with and the band uses Freestyler but has never been set-up fully. I am trying to sort out a list of cues for each and every song so that the light show is choreographed nicely.

I am slowly working my way through getting all the fixtures patched in and have no real problem sorting out creating scenes and getting the lights to do what I want them to do - (no doubt I will have some issues at some point)

What I am struggling to work out, (and cant find anything in the wiki about it) is the best way to set all the scenes for seperate songs without having to load up a seperate cue list for each song:-

Here is what I want to do:-
We will have a set of say 30 songs, and each song wants to have its own cue list

Each song is likely to have a good number of lighting scenes

Looking at the cue list screen I can see that there is a panel to the right for pages, and I can create new pages - I assumed this would be where I could create a new cue list for each page so I can quickly flip to each new song - but it does not work that way from what I can see...??

What the best way of working this out ?

If there is a section on the Wiki about this can somebody please post a link as I am too dim to find it

Thanks in advance - and assume I am as dim as low watt light bulb..... ;)


Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 9:04 am
by Mattotone
Hi Dave,
This was one thing Freestyler unfortunatly lacks, however if you pop over to the community download & developments there are two 3rd party addons to help with this GoMonkey (mine) and bandShow which are designed to do this.

GoMonkey is a little harder to get to grips with but is slightly more flexible in the show you can create. Uses setlists, can automatically go to the next set, loops, multiple sequences run at the same time.
BandShow uses librarys to create shows, and can trigger sound effects.

Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 9:18 am
by David_l_perry
Ok, mmmm. Will look at those

So what are the pages used for on the cue list just so i can get a better understanding of things

Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 9:36 am
by djSupport
Its just for quicker access to saved/frequently used cues list

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Tapatalk

Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:00 am
by David_l_perry
That sounds like what I want.....Any links on how to set up the pages to separate cue lists -link to any help file in the wiki.

I just want a very quick way of opening up a separate cue list on the fly.

Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:15 am
by Mattotone
when you save a cue list it can be recalled using the drop down box at the top. the cue list buttons at the side recall a list and start all the sequences together. useful to make a scene from multiple sequences.

to use this save a couple of cue lists and insert them using the small cog to the top right.

Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 12:40 pm
by David_l_perry
Ok, perhaps I should ask a different question before I go too far down setting it all up

Assuming you guys where doing this, What would be the best way to set up a show to access 30 different cue lists quickly.

Each cue list is going to be saved as its own song title, and often the set is changed on the fly so the lighting tech needs quick access to the cues

I understand that I could just open up a new cue list from the pull down menu but would prefer to be able to see them on screen as quick select buttons.


Re: New to freestyler - help needed

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 4:31 pm
by David_l_perry
Sorted on this. You drag and drop a cue list onto the new page button.

It's exactly what I wanted to do :D

Now just the small task of building up 30 lighting cues