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Midi control CC v Note on/off

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 7:34 pm
by UK-Sub
I'm aware this topic has been addressed before, so forgive any repetition of the subject. :oops:

With regards to assigning midi-data control of freestyler parameters, i am understanding that freestyler can not distinguish the difference between a CC value "command" and a midi note on/off value.
This does cause problems when a midi controller transmits both types of data.
The only workaround i can think of is some kind of midi-filter (midi ox) to block out the unwanted midi-data.

Is there a hidden setting that i have missed or is this the way it is intended?

thanks for solutions...

Re: Midi control CC v Note on/off

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 8:04 pm
by Spirit
no these is only a "Master" on or off for NoteOn/NoteOff (between the midi options)
its one or the other..


Re: Midi control CC v Note on/off

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 9:30 pm
by UK-Sub
thanks for the quick reply.
OK, so my midi controller is set to transmit note on/off data which select my pre-set cues.
My midi-controller also transmits program-change data to control another midi device simultaneously.
As i change my "patch" (using the program change data) i also transmit a note on/off value which calls one of my preset cues (in freestyler). This all works great- A different cue for each of my "patches".
Occasionally, my midi-controller also transmits CC data to manipulate my midi-device.
However, if i use note on/off "note xx" for triggering a cue in freestyler transmitting CCxx has the same effect as the note on/off. This is not what i want to happen. I tried altering the note on/off option in the midi setup within freestyler but this had no noticeable effect.
I also use some CC values to control faders in freestyler, so a total filtering of CC midi data is not acceptable.

Midi data for a note on/off message is made of 3 bytes:
byte 1: note on code+channel
byte 2:note value
byte 3:velocity value

Midi data for a controller message is made of 3 bytes:
byte 1: CC/controller code+channel
byte 2:controller number
byte 3:controller value

Its seems that freestyler is not looking at the whole of the midi data information, only part of it.
Can anyone confirm this?

Re: Midi control CC v Note on/off

Posted: July 29th, 2013, 2:57 pm
by Spirit
Note on = 90 (144)
Controller = B0 (176)

but i think Freestyler does Look at the whole midi data..

because freestyler Sees the differnce between CHANNELS, NOTE's and Velocity..

--== Controller==--
(HEX) B0 00 00 to BF 7F 7F
(DEC) 176 0 0 to 191 127 127
and everything in between..

-== NOTE on ==--
(HEX) 90 00 00 to 9F 7F 7F
(DEC)144 0 0 to 159 127 127
as you see all Data's are used only im not sure if FS sees the differnce between the Note on Channels.

but your trying something realy hard. because freestyler is made to listen en send Controller data..


Re: Midi control CC v Note on/off

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 11:07 pm
by UK-Sub
With the recent new version, i notice there are some midi improvements.
Do you think any of these will benefit the above query?

BTW: i am happily running things quite nicely (with a bit of help from midi-ox) so not sure if the 3.5.5 upgrade will be worth doing.
I'm not 100% sure what implications the new midi feature have so could anyone please explain with a bit of detail. thanks all.