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Help with fades between color changes

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 4:26 am
by keithsplace
I have made a few scenes, and added fade time, but my fixtures go to the next color change instantly, with no fade.
How do I program one color and fade into the next color?
They are basic three color LED 64 pars, in 3 channel mode. They have 7 channels but I thought for ease of programing going to 3 channel would be easier.
I can control everything I would like to see, just can't get the sequence to fade to the next sequence or next color in scene to fade.

Re: Help with fades between color changes

Posted: August 14th, 2013, 5:54 pm
by tjw
Hey! This is tjw. I come from the theatre tech side of things. I'll be the first to tell you that I only know about a quarter of the tricks that FS can do. However, in theatre this is a constant need. What I do is ...

1) Lets say you want to start with a red wash. Using either the lee filters (for us theatre tech types, lee filters are the DMX counterpart to gels) or just the RGB controls. A) Sequence 1, step 1: Program your fixtures to fade in red. Depending on the scene, I use a 5 to 10 second fade in. Test it (it should fade in red). Save it to the file (I usually name the file depending on where in the script the cue takes place, like Act I, Scene 1). It should be your first cue on your cue sheet. When you go to the cue sheet, turn off "looping" or else all your going to have is a fixture the continually fades in and fades out red.

2) Lets say you want switch to a blue wash. A) Sequence 2, step 1: Program your fixtures to red with no fade. B) Sequence 2 step 2: Program your fixtures to fade out of red. Sequence 2 step 3: Program your fixtures to fade in Blue. Test it, then save it. It should be your 2nd cue on the cue sheet. Remember to turn off looping.

What do you have? Cue 1 fades in red and leaves it there until the next cue. Cue 2 holds the red, until it fades out, then it fades in blue and holds it until your next cue. You can keep programing like this all you want, and you still control when and how your colors change.

I hope this helps!

tjw :o