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MIDI control with elation midicon - Bugs??

Posted: May 22nd, 2013, 9:42 pm
by Salir
:?: Hey there,

i've been using freestyler since more than one year now, i think, and i never had any problem with it or controlling it with per midi protocoll.

Now i've baught an elation midicon midi controller ( ... 0749936d1a) to easily controll the submasters, scenes and sometimes the focused fixtures.

So i wanted to control the gobo or color channel of some moving heads for example with one of the three jogweels on the controller. Therefore i've used "Gobo+" with turning the weel right and "Gobo-" with turning the weel left. No i've got the problem, that i can decrease the value of the gobo channel with turning the weel left but raising it doesn't work. So i've switched the functions, so that turning right will decrease the value, because i thaught of an bug in the software. But instead of not working, it raised the gogo value while turning the weel left. So i thaught of an bug in the midi controller. But if i turn the weel in both directions freestyler gets an value from the controller and displays it at the bottom of the midi setup window. The functions (Gobo+ and Gobo- oder Color..,Shutter,..Dimmer...) work correctly with some buttons on the controller, but not with the jogweels.

Another problem, which i've got is that i mapped "toggle to midi page 1, toggle to midi page 2, ..." to some buttons on the controller (midi page independet in freestyler). Than i've mapped some functions for faders or buttons to different midi pages in freestyler(1 to 4). But now if i change the midi page with pushing the buttons the functionality of the faders and buttons don't change paralell to the pages. So that my fader does the same thing if i'm on page 1 oder page 2 or 3, 4, 5. I can't detect on which page i am becuase freestyler doesn't offers an display method for this, does it??

Maybe someone could help me fixing this problems :)
I'm keen on your answers ;-)

Kind regards

Re: MIDI control with elation midicon - Bugs??

Posted: May 23rd, 2013, 4:22 pm
by Spirit
hi the Midicon isnt supported by freestyler.

but ones i a while i talk with the freestyler devolper and he also bought the midicon and made it work with freestyler so on the next public release this midicontroller will be supported.

and i DO NOT KNOW when the new Beta will come..


Re: MIDI control with elation midicon - Bugs??

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 10:28 am
by Salir
But it is unimportant for the MIDI protocol which device sends the values, isn't it? So why the software have to support the controller? Furthermore freestyler recognizes the midi values which were send by the midicon.

EDIT: I've just read some topics in the external controler forum, so now I know what's the problem:
the midicon sends different midi channels (16?) and freestyler only supports one.
Maybe I can solve this problem using midiox. I think I will try in the next days.

You said that you think in the new update freestyler will support the midicon. I hope this will happen ;-)


Re: MIDI control with elation midicon - Bugs??

Posted: May 24th, 2013, 5:17 pm
by Spirit
FS only supports CC#.
Allthough FS does support all 16 midi channels so thats no problem..

and the point way the enocders doesnt work thats because if you Rotate it CW it will send Note 13 and if you rotate it CCW it sends Note 14.

and normal it this works on the Velocity.. B0 XX 00 = down/low B0 XX 7F = UP/high and it just uses 1 Note..


Re: MIDI control with elation midicon - Bugs??

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 9:49 pm
by gnarfel
You can actually set the Gobo to a MIDI value, as opposed to an increment/decrement trigger. Look for the midi options in blue, they accept 0-127 as a value as opposed to 0/1 as a trigger

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw that that controller sends different parameters for the encoder directions.