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Please Redesign the FX Generator!!!

Posted: May 2nd, 2013, 6:41 pm
by michilson
Hey guys,

I commend you on the current efforts of the FX generator but it's not near good enough for complex Programing.

Here's what i'd love to see.

I'd like to see is a interface with several pages: X/Y, COLOR, GOBO, PRISM, SHUTTER, General Settings

General settings,

X/Y All devices respond, Device are Fanned Linear by xx%, Every other device responds, Every other device is Inverted and so on.

Same for Colors and Gobos

Then what you can do is program X/Y locations in the Points Section (16 - 24 - 36 - 48) This creates almost a table of movements then you can set colors and Gobos and other device settings to these locations.

Then once you set the fanning option on All devices will follow this path with all the same settings.

(Reference the Chauvet Show Express Generator) Very simple ability to quickly produce full sequences with several moving head fixtures and selecting colors and gobos to match X/Y Locations!

Thanks Guys Keep up the Great work!