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Search feature and warnings for setting external commands

Posted: April 16th, 2013, 12:34 pm
by lindsayward
This is my first feature request. I'm in the right place aren't I?

I have done a bit of setting up of the external controls for MIDI and keyboard shortcuts, and these things would make the process much easier:

1. A search feature. There are lots of commands, so if there was a field at the top I could start typing in and see only the commands that matched appear in the list, that would really speed up finding things.

2. A reverse search feature. I'd like to be able to find what command is set to a particular MIDI note.
(This could actually be done just by implementing the next idea, although not without side effect in some cases.)

2. A warning, that could be turned on or off, for when you're setting a command to an input that's already assigned. This would be annoying if it was always on, but if you don't want to automatically change other commands when you add new ones, it would be helpful to have a warning, e.g. "Note 28 is already assigned to Release All. Do you want to change it?"
