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Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 2:52 pm
by EON
Hello and happy new year to all,

I had explored the forum without finding the right solution on my problem, so o post it inside this category.
Configuration :
- I work on Windows 7 software, with a Portable PC, (internal Sound card : VIA HD Audio)
- I installed FreeStyler 3.5.2 (the last version on the WebSite), with embedded Sound2ligth software,
- option "react to sound" is on for the dedicated fixture
- i use ENTTEC open DMX-USB interface.

software state:
- FreeStyler is Ok : i create and play DMX sequences on fixtures, or modify separatly each ones
- Sound2ligth is OK : beat detection without problem, sending message to FreeStyler application : OK. I enable this part thanks to Remko (lot of thanks to this nice guy ;) ). Random DMX value for each fixture separately (rest of box : unchecked)

problem :
- any modification of feature intensity in the FreeStyler window interface.
- any modification or detection on DMX channel

what i tried :
- increase the level priority of FreeStyler
- searching solutions in the forum and web, initially i supposed that the problem came from the Soud2light application. But S2L is OK : shutdown FreeStyler generates errors message in debug mode, and any even.

I'm happy with the FreeStyler application, and i hope to find with you how to connect it with the sound.


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 6:46 pm
by Spirit
problem :
- any modification of feature intensity in the FreeStyler window interface.
- any modification or detection on DMX channel
Can you make you problem a little bit more Clearer..
What kind of Modification do you make...


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 7:26 pm
by EON
Hi Spirit,

I try to use Sound2Light in easyest way for me (to learn quietly): random DMX value, for each fixture separalety. I put the pan Channel from 0 to 4.
Under my understanding, i expected that randomly the channel 0 to 4 are switch "on".

Is it more clear ?
thanks and sorry for my english, it' not my usual language.


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 9:48 pm
by Spirit

i THINK the 0 to 4 is your problem as i never use S2L.
but some how it seems strange FS says Pan CH and Tilt CH as for me is seems more like the pan and tilt VALUE..
As dmx has 0 to 512 channels
and each channel can have a VALUE from 0 to 255 like it is Default on S2L.

but to make it easyer for me which fixtures do you use?


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 10:13 pm
by EON
Unfortunately, the pan channel has no effect. It was something that i tried. And as it exist a tilt parameter too, you're probably right.

For test at home, i use a dimmer 4 (Mac Mah) and the ENTTEC DMX-USB interface.
The dimmer is parametrized to be addressed between channel 1 to 4, and leds indicates the channel state (led on if intensity channel greater than 0).


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 10:39 pm
by Spirit
If you use 4 dimmer channels then i would recommend to use the DMX400 and use the S2L to trigger DMX400.
because a Dimmer isnt a Pan channel.

also be sure you Patched 4 sperate PARCANS so you have 4 Fixture''s instead of 1


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 5th, 2013, 12:24 am
by EON

Ok, i tried your proposition and after some attempts, i obtained the expected result. :)

So to resume, the DMX channel inside FreeStyler are not directly switched by Sound2Light. And i need to use the build-in DMX400 dimmer that intercept messages from Sound2Light and command the fixtures in function of the selected mode.

There 's just one last question, in Sound2Light : it exist an option (toggle option) : Random DMX value, and then the list below proposes : "Each Fixture separately". What is the purpose of this functionality ?

Thanks, now i have at least a solution.

Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 5th, 2013, 10:15 am
by Spirit
FS have some dedicated Features for differnt tyoe of CHANNELS..

as you use Dimmer channels you need to use the DMX400 because thats Made for Dimmer/RGB channels..

Each fixture separatly mean...
that if you press rightmouse button on a Fxiture icon you can enable sound to light for a Fixture..
so each fixture can be Enabled or disabled. so "each fixture separatly"

but this is used for fixtures that have a GOBO, COLOR, PAN and TILT channels


Re: Problem between FreeStyler and Sound2Light

Posted: January 5th, 2013, 1:57 pm
by EON
Hy Spirit,

So, we can conclude this question, your last sentence explain the problem and my lack of knowledge on FS. I didn't find this information in the documentation (or didn't see it perhaps). So as for the moment i only use simple projectors without electronic effect, i will use the DMX400.

Thank's a lot, i was a pleasure for me.
Have a nice day and perhaps an amazing show tonight.