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Macros Issue

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 5:10 am
by djnyce
I have an elation design spot 250 setup with gobowheel 1 setup as 11 gobos (open, 1-7, gobo wheel cw rotate slow, med and fast). i am trying to use macros to just add 3 buttons for gobo shake slow, med and fast. the idea is that i would select the gobo, the gobo 1 index would be set and then i could use a formula to make that gobo shake slow, med or fast.

in the wiki example, gobowheel 1 had extra channels for the shake defined. and 3 macros where setup for slow, med and fast. i was trying a different approach and just want the 3 macros without the extra gobowheel 1 channels.

can i use 3 macros without setting up the shake in the gobowheeel?

my formulas
macro 1 (slow): CH06=80+(20*(GI1-1))
macro 2 (med): CH06=90+(20*(GI1-1))
macro 3 (fast): CH06=99+(20*(GI1-1))

this formula seems to work, but i can't select a gobo, then click slow, then click med, then click fast. i have to click the gobo then click slow, click the same gobo, then click med. If i click the gobo, then click slow, then med without clicking the gobo in between, the dmx value jumps to 200, 216 and 219.

0-9 open
70-79 gobo 7
80-99 gobo 1 shake slow to fast
200-219 gobo 7 shake slow to fast

Re: Macros Issue

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 7:28 pm
by djnyce
seems to be a bug. if i switch the formula to use GI2, it works perfectly fine. i can then select gobo, click med>fast>slow>med, etc and it works fine.

Re: Macros Issue

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by Spirit
Please add a Bug report on the FSBT.


Re: Macros Issue

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 7:48 am
by djnyce
i was going through the motion of submitting a bug and i tried one last thing. i took a look at the martin roboscan pro 918 because it has the gobo shake macro formula. i studied it to see what was different. the formula was exactly the same (albeit with different numbers). the only thing that was different was that the gobo wheel spin was in the macros, not in the gobo wheels.

i reduced the # of gobowheels in the config and voila the formula works for both GI1 and GI2.

it seems like some sort of math is done on the Gobo Index when you click macros back to back. because even with 7 real gobos + 3 add'l 'gobos', the Gobo index shouldn't change unless i click another gobo.

i did submit a bug regarding this tho.