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BCF2000 and MIDI control setup

Posted: October 31st, 2012, 6:14 pm
by JeffHague
Hello again all!
I now have my BCF2000 and have been trying to get it set up to work with Freestyler. I am now using FS3.5.0 on Windows XP with an Enttec Pro interface and everything seems to be installed fine - FS recognizes bot the Enttec and the BCF2000.
Prior to the BCF we have been running the lightshow using external keyboard control and now we want to move atleast some if not all functions to the BCF.
Currently I have 5 submasters populated with sequences for my wash cans, 10 submasters populated with sequences for my splash cans, 1 submaster with sequences for a laser, 1 for a pair of Chauvet Mayhems, 1 for an ADJ Dekker and the last submaster is master off for everything. I also have several override buttons assigned to things like pinspots that only need to be on or off.
The sequences include groups of lights in certain colors. For instance I have 1 submaster with a sequence at the top of the list that is all wash cans set to blue. Under that, just the outside wash cans blue, under that just the inside wash cans blue. On submaster 2 I have a sequence at the top that is all wash cans green, under that just outside washes green, under that just inside washes green, etc.
On the keyboard I have number pad 1 set to submaster run 1, 2 set to submaster run 2, 3 set to submaster run 3 and so on through submaster 5. (the other submasters are treated similarly using diofferent keys but those specifics arent important here). I then mapped the + key to submasters 1 through 5 Go and the minus key mapped to submasters 1 through 5 back.
So when running the show I can hit 1 and all the blue washes come on, I hit 2 and all the green washes, etc. If I hit the + sign and hit 1 I then get just the outside blue washes, if I hit 2 I get just the outside green washes, etc.
I am trying to recreate a similar workflow on the BCF since this setup has worked well but I am running into problems. When I go into External Control > MIDI setup I get the assignments page and select BCF2000 for both input and output so that looks like its working as desired. I then hit STart, then edit, scroll down and select submaster 1 Run, click in the Note field and hit a button on the BCF. It fills in the note # and page 1 as I understand it should. I continue to assign buttons on the BCF to submaster Run for the next 4 submasters. When I try to assign the same button however to submaster Go 1 through 5 or Submaster Back 1 through 5, it wont let me do it. It will assign the note to the first one but when I try to assign the same note to the next 1 it erases the data in the first one. I did find that I could manually enter the note # though.
Once Im done I hit Stop and then Save. If I reopen the Midi window the values are all still there so it seems to remember everything.
The first bit of trouble though is that it doesnt work. Hitting the buttons on the BCF that I assigned to Run for instance do not start the submasters and hitting the buttons that I assigned to scroll up and down the sequences do not do that either.
What am I doing wrong? Does it have something to do with the page parameter? I see that I can choose a page or set it to independant within Freestyler but is there something I need to do on the BCF to tell it about that?
Any help would be appreciated - waht I have found online so far has either been incomplete or in German...

Re: BCF2000 and MIDI control setup

Posted: October 31st, 2012, 6:47 pm
by Spirit

first a thing you did not noctided BUT the Midi Ouput will be Faulty.
this is allready fixed on the lastest beta..

now your issue.

But this isnt a Issue because you can only assign 1 midi button to a Function..
this is a nice feature the Keyboard keys can do, but with the midi options This isnt possible.

the only way you can do this is to use a Program Like midi ox or Bome's MT.
and Input 1 midi note to Midi ox or bome's MT and Ouput 5 differnt note's.

So if you press Note 1 to Midi ox or Bome's mT it will Send Note 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to FS...


Re: BCF2000 and MIDI control setup

Posted: October 31st, 2012, 8:42 pm
by JeffHague
I can keep the increment and decrement functions on the keyboard, not a problem.
But I still cannot get the submaster Run fucntion to work from the BCF. I assign it to a button, FS sees the MIDI channel come through but the submasters do not run when I hit that button. What am I missing when assigning BCF buttons to MIDI controls in FS?
Thanks again!