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Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 2:22 am
by adriansharred
Hi im a very new user of Freestyler but have been useing Showcad artist and doss for about 6 years. I am wanting to use free styler in a club that has no control of any lights (STL) and have programed the system how i want it. IE useing the fast cue switcher to change lists like "Head Shutters" Wash Shutters" "movments" ect and want to use the black notes to change the lists and the whight notes to activate the cues that show on that list?

so say in my first list is shutter controll and the first item is all open, i can press black note 1 and whight note 1 to open all shutters??

Thanks in advance i have had a play about to get this going but all i seem to do is get in a mess...

Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 5:22 pm
by Spirit
Freestyler use CC# note's and you can only use One midi channel.
So B0 00 00 to B0 7F 7F

B0 = Channel 00 = Note 00 = Veloctiy.
Buttons use BX XX 00 = OFF (Slider down) and BX XX 7F = ON (slider up)

and button 1 have BX 00 XX
and button 2 have BX 01 XX
and on...

same counts for the sliders.

hope this clears the midi part a little bit.

Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 6:56 pm
by adriansharred
What im trying to do is control the " fast cue selector"?

Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 7:40 pm
by Spirit
yes i understand but it seems you dont understand how the midi controls work with freestyler.
so i exaplain which midi note's you need to control freestyler with midi. because there are many differnt midi note's that can be used.

and on the Feestyler setup you can assign a Midi note to a Fuction.

so if i dont understand you can you axplain you problem a little bit better.


Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 2:41 am
by adriansharred
I know how the notes work but what i am after is what do i assign the note to control the fast cue changer? as cant see i assign for the fast cue changer in the list of options

Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 2:43 am
by adriansharred
Sorry just read that last comment back to myself and sounded like i was being very rude, i wasn't! and thanks for the help sofar ;)

Re: Info and help about midi-in controll

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 4:31 pm
by Spirit
ahhh now i see why i did not understand you.
because i though the cue list buttons.

but you can't control the Fast cue switcher with any typ of External control.
because its not used for playback your sequences.
it used for programming ;)

you can only use the CUE, Cuelist buttons, Submasters, Sound2light, DMX400, ledtrix or Suntrix.
and the Override buttons for Buttons with only One step on the sequence.
