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Connecting to a Strand CD80SV Rack

Posted: July 20th, 2012, 4:16 pm
by Dr.Ew
Hello all,
I'd like to get some feedback on whether or not this system would work - thanks for any input!

At my church, we are currently using an ETC Express 48/96 2 scene console. The console has 2 DMX-512 outputs, the first of which is connected to a Strand CD80 Supervisor dimmer rack (96 channels), and runs all of our high watt halogen stage and house lights. The second DMX-512 output is currently connected to a chain of LED and scanners, we're using about 90 channels on that circuit.
In the past, I've used FS (via our ENTEC Open USB interface) to test LEDs and scanners, but it has never been our primary controller. Our lightboard is 17 years old, and is starting to have power issues :( , and behaving oddly at times, so we are looking into a PC using Freestyler to control everything.

Here's my questions:

1. Has anyone used Freestyler + Entec Open DMX USB to send signals to a Strand CD80sv rack (or similar)? The CD80 does accept DMX input, but at 17 years old, I'm not sure how well it would receive signals. Any glitches or issues that I should consider? Also, since that rack has a LOT of power going through it, I am a bit concerned that the USB box wouldn't be able to shield the PC from any stray voltage issues.

2. To duplicate our current setup, I would need a interface that could support 2 universes, however, since I am only using about 90 channels on Port 1 (to the CD80SV) and 90 channels (to the LEDs) on Port 2, if I combined the two onto one universe, I would still have plenty of extra channels for future use. I would need to add a DMX signal splitter on the USB DMX Output (the CD80SV is located about 120' from the lightboard, and would make an incredibly long cable run if I just tried to tie it in to the daisy chain). I have no experience with the splitters though - any issues that I should be aware of when using a USB DMX interface through a splitter?

Thanks for any tips and advice you may have!
Drew (Andrew) Schulcz
Lighting Director,
Westwinds Community Church
Jackson, MI

Re: Connecting to a Strand CD80SV Rack

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 7:44 am
by Jan_K
Hej Andrew.

Think there is only one way. "Try it"

I just had a look in CD80 manual found on the net and it don't look tricky but on the the other hand it may be new version than yours.

Splitter I don't think there are any critical issues there as long as you don't make a Y cable. ... n_practice.
