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Fixtures help. LED Victory Scan from JBSystems - Pless.

Posted: May 15th, 2012, 6:06 pm
by odgaard1

Til Alle i forumet.

Jeg har brugt Freestyler i flere år og er en super glad bruger at det. :fs:

Men har købt nogle nye scanner men mangler en fixtures til at kunne køre dem over min sunlite dmx styrring.

JB Systems Led Victory Scan

Er der nogen som vil hjælpe mig og lave en fixtures til dem her scannere. Så vil jeg være meget taknemlig. :D

Jeg har selv prøvet men uden hel.

På forhånd tak. :D

Med Venlig Hilsen
Henrik O. Madsen

All the forum.

I've been using FreeStyler for several years and is a super happy using it. : fs:

But have bought some new scans but lacks a fixtures to run them over my Sunlite DMX controller ring

JB Systems Led Victory Scan

Is there anyone who will help me and make a fixtures for them here scanners. So I would be very grateful. : D

I have tried but without intact.

Thank you. : D

Best Regards
Henrik O. Madsen

Re: Fixtures help. LED Victory Scan from JBSystems - Pless.

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 9:55 am
by Jan_K
Hej Henrik

It is not that difficult to make this fixtuter.

Have eventually a look in this tutorial ... owheel_tab.

You have tried to create it.
In Fixture Creator, Export the fixture end upload it here then I will have a look.


Re: Fixtures help. LED Victory Scan from JBSystems - Pless.

Posted: May 19th, 2012, 5:33 pm
by DJDaveSA
Hi Henrik

Here is an untested fixture file. Works on Magic 3D. Have not done any Macros but works.

Re: Fixtures help. LED Victory Scan from JBSystems - Pless.

Posted: May 20th, 2012, 2:41 pm
by odgaard1
Hi DjDaveSA

Thank you very much

I'm trying it right later today

You are a great help
